Weakmind Posted January 22, 2004 Hello my fellow doomers, i have to pose these two questions: Is the Cacodemon in or out of Doom 3? (I would also like to see some off topic discussion about what it will look llike!!!) AND, Does anyone at all here, know some contact information ( adress, e-mail, phone number.) for id software? I would realy like to get that info if possiable!!! hope to get some posts!!! Mastermind. " Killing demons for over three years!" 0 Share this post Link to post
Job Posted January 22, 2004 The caco demon won't be in Doom III. Sorry. But if you have a problem with that, go idsoftware.com]here to complain. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted January 22, 2004 Job said:The caco demon won't be in Doom III.How do you know? 0 Share this post Link to post
Job Posted January 22, 2004 Arioch said:How do you know? You might want to take your sarcasm detector into the shop... It's really a given that the caco will be in Doom III. 0 Share this post Link to post
DEMOn Posted January 22, 2004 I happen to have Willits' address and phone/fax number at id. I was going to send them pizza for 12/10, but chickened out. :) What do you need it for? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted January 22, 2004 DEMOn said:What do you need it for? Maybe sending a huge list of important suggestions of things that must!!! be in Doom3 if the game should be succesful!!!!??? 0 Share this post Link to post
Weakmind Posted January 22, 2004 Tetzlaff said:Maybe sending a huge list of important suggestions of things that must!!! be in Doom3 if the game should be succesful!!!!??? you are right... I also hope to get some info out of Carmik if possible, thoough that is doubtful 0 Share this post Link to post
BlueSonnet Posted January 22, 2004 I recall hearing some bullshit a while back from a forumer on another forum about how the cacodemon won't be in doom 3 because "it won't go with the feel of the game. It's too slow". Christ almighty. True the cacodemon isn't famous for being a fast beast, but it was famous for being nasty, one-eyed, big enough to block up thin corridors and annoying in groups or certain situations. Screw it's speed, it still gave doom the feel of fighting hellspawn. And if doom3 will have slow enemies like the zombies then they can squeeze in slow enemies like the caco too. The caco's been in all the dooms. Ultimately you can't have a doom game without a caco. It's ridicolous. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 22, 2004 BlueSonnet said:I recall hearing some bullshit a while back from a forumer on another forum about how the cacodemon won't be in doom 3 because "it won't go with the feel of the game. It's too slow". Christ almighty. True the cacodemon isn't famous for being a fast beast, but it was famous for being nasty, one-eyed, big enough to block up thin corridors and annoying in groups or certain situations. Screw it's speed, it still gave doom the feel of fighting hellspawn. And if doom3 will have slow enemies like the zombies then they can squeeze in slow enemies like the caco too. The caco's been in all the dooms. Ultimately you can't have a doom game without a caco. It's ridicolous. Also, there should be nothing wrong in making the Caco slightly faster - Hell, the tentacle commando moves considerably faster than the chaingunner from Doom 2. Nah, the Caco will probably be back in Doom 3 - I can't see why it shouldn't be. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted January 22, 2004 Job said:You might want to take your sarcasm detector into the shop...a) that wasn't sarcastic enough to trip my detector because b) with the idiotic preconceived notions around here one can never tell 0 Share this post Link to post
Tetzlaff Posted January 22, 2004 Mastermind said:I also hope to get some info out of Carmik if possible, thoough that is doubtful id Software normally doesn´t give away much information during development process, and they don´t want to be bothered with loads of curious fan mail. Even in the official magazine interviews they aren´t very talkative about details of the game content. About the Cacodemon, it hasn´t been seen yet in one of the demonstrations and wasn´t mentioned in interviews. But that does not mean that there is no Caco. 0 Share this post Link to post
Job Posted January 22, 2004 I haven't seen any in-game pictures of the cyberdemon or the spidermastermind, but that doesn't mean they won't be in it. It's the same with the cacodemon -- it's just as integral to Doom as the cyberdemon or spidermastermind. It wouldn't be quite Doom without any of those monsters, so why would they remove any from the original formula that won them such a wide fan base? 0 Share this post Link to post
Weakmind Posted January 22, 2004 I know, i havent seen the Cybe or the SM either, i just hope that the Caco is in, becuase it is one of the creatures that made doom what it is. And i won't send fan mail to id, just some questions. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 22, 2004 For the record, the Cyberdemon is confirmed as being in. Mastermind: Don't bother sending questions about Doom 3 to Id - I suggest you rather leave them alone so they can finish Doom 3 instead. 0 Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted January 22, 2004 Man, I sure do wish I could meet Mr. Carmikle. Shucks! I don't want to see any pics of Baron, Caco, Spider, Cybie. That would completely ruin meeting them ingame imo. I have to say, to some degree all the screenies released have decreased my anticipation slightly. I almost feel we've seen too much. I know that there is know way of knowing what will all be in the game, but being a fan of doom since '95, actually playing D3 and stumbling across the incarnations of the demons I so enjoyed would have been much more . . . you know. 'Like whoa, what's that fucked up bull/bulldog monstrosity chewing on my arm? Wait! Its the pinkie! Awwww. . . . cute lil' ... OH DEAR MERCIFUL MOTHER OF GOD IT HURTS!' --or something like that has not been rendered impossible by imp software. ; P 0 Share this post Link to post
Weakmind Posted January 22, 2004 That was funny Scabbed Angel, and yes, it would be neet to meet Carmack, and his wife (or sister or who ever Adrian is) for an interview. I could always say that i work for Scholastic 0 Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted January 22, 2004 Heh. You want to score with his wife and daughter you bastard! ; ) Well, they are in Texas... 0 Share this post Link to post
Weakmind Posted January 22, 2004 Scabbed Angel said:Heh. You want to score with his wife and daughter you bastard! ; ) Well, they are in Texas... What!!!! that is sick, im only a kid!!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
insertwackynamehere Posted January 22, 2004 Adrian is not releated to John in any way. Carmack != Carmikle ;-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Scabbed Angel Posted January 22, 2004 Mastermind said:What!!!! that is sick, im only a kid!!!!!! Yeah that is pretty sick of you... perv ; P 0 Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted January 22, 2004 Mastermind said:What!!!! that is sick, im only a kid!!!!!! you dont say 0 Share this post Link to post
Coopersville Posted January 22, 2004 I think someone else said that there's files labeled 'Caco' in the Alpha leak, so for that reason, yes, the Cacodemon will probably be in Doom3. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lectrix Posted January 22, 2004 I'm just worried what the caco may look like if they do decide to put it in D3. I'm sure they have designed it already but whether they want to put it in, is another matter. As someone has already said, all the monsters are very alien/humanoid looking so the caco may be difficult to convert into the general theme, i mean its a big red one eyed floating ball with horns, how freaky can we get :D (I just hope they dont stick an engine type attachment on like they have for the lost soul, but if the caco does make the cut i hope the pain elemental wont be far behind). Pain elemental = most annoying enemie next to archvile. 0 Share this post Link to post
Weakmind Posted January 23, 2004 Scabbed Angel said:Yeah that is pretty sick of you... perv ; P Wha!!!!!! stop that! 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted January 23, 2004 Im pretty sure the cacodemon will be included. Hell, it's on the Doom title screen. Of course, it will be gray and brown in color. 0 Share this post Link to post
toxicfluff Posted January 23, 2004 Assmaster said:Im pretty sure the cacodemon will be included. Hell, it's on the Doom title screen. Of course, it will be gray and brown in color. Hmm. 0 Share this post Link to post
Job Posted January 23, 2004 Assmaster said:Im pretty sure the cacodemon will be included. Hell, it's on the Doom title screen. Of course, it will be gray and brown in color. Yeah, I think Doom64 had some influence in the Doom III version of the cacodemon. Though I'm not sure whether or not it will have arms. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted January 23, 2004 I think we will see it in hell and not on Mars. I remember that in the latest article, they mentioned a floating monster in hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
The_Tonx Posted January 23, 2004 Coopersville said:I think someone else said that there's files labeled 'Caco' in the Alpha leak, so for that reason, yes, the Cacodemon will probably be in Doom3. Correction, there's a file, called "MONSTERS.DEF", that has a definition of that monster. Unfortunatelly, since it isn't allowed to post anything from that alpha then I cannot post that file or the cacodemon part of it. Guess you have to take my word on it :) 0 Share this post Link to post
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