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Tribute To Doom (TTD) By Infernal Domain Team coming soon.


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So, our team create a new Doom port based on Duke3d.exe ;)
We call it Tribute To Doom, now our site is down, but soon we'll get a new hosting. And we made big doom resource.
What is TTD:
We take all gfx&sfx from original doom. We create new episode with our own maps. TTD is realy bloody game, when you shoot at corpse it bloods 8E~~~. You can see pink demon,
eating the corpse. And so on.

Are you realy intrested on it?

Ps. Sorry for my bad english :)

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My English is bad too. I don't get it. The porting based on Duke3D.exe
I think Duke 3D does not have the abilities you describe, not sure about Doom. To make or give the impression of someone getting eaten takes at least four times ten sprites times the number of segments for one entity to be eaten. Say left arm, right arm, head, legs ... If you only have say eight actors you are looking at a minimum of 1600 active spites during run time. At UV you will run out of steam sort of speak.
The illusion of blood in Duke at a wall is based on only three sprites. I think to make that show on actors is well not practical, using similar overlays look unrealistic, to paint each actor, well good luck.

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Duke3d give us ability to create realy beautyfull maps.
What can y said about blood in duke, we use some gfx of blood from doom, we made some gfx on photoshop, sprites to be visible on screen in one time are limited, the removed from level in same time.

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This is non comercial project.

Than you really should look into copyrights. You would not be the first to be "foxed". Term for closed down. 3D Realms and id software do defent their copyrights. Just a heads up, before you go into what I think is major leage work.
My suggestion, deside either on Duke or Doom's engine. There are many mappers in the Doom comunity willing to help a worth while project, since mapping seems not to be your strong point.
Either way all the best.

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Oh... thanks. Though I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see them, so it would be better if you posted them somewhere on the Web.
I can post them for you if you cannot do it yourself :)

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Can you wait for a week? My inet card come to an and, soon we open our hosting, I post TTD there.

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What can you advice me? Give me more stuff like a sergant drinking vodka... We want to place some jokes in our maps.

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Tarik: it doesn't matter whether your project is commerical or not; ID Software do not like their graphics, sounds, or even idea being used in other games.

Only recently a non-commercial Doom conversion for Quake 3 was shut down, and that didn't even use any original Doom resources.

My suggestion? If you really want to make a Doom style add-on, make it in Doom.

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Sorry, i was down about two days

So, now i realy knew what happened with our hosting, it was close because we post TTD there, you was right. Today Gothic comes back from Chehiya, and i think we will take new hosting in two days, we have 100% garanty what it will not be closed, because this is russian server.So i mail you then it will be done.

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haha. John Carmack try and shut down a russian server. That's fuckin brilliant.

Select access. A server is pretty useless if no one can get at it.

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