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No Carmack Speech for you !

Lord FlatHead

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Trough the miracle of Shitty Laptop Hardware, Doomcenter isn't going to be able to release the QuakeCon Press Release and Carmack's speech after all. Didn't the guy who recorded it give some thought to the possibility that a little laptop microphone just wouldn't cut it, in the middle of a huge QuakeCon crowd ? I mean, is it so hard to just take a decent dictaphone, set it to record and ask nicely if you can put it near John Carmack ?

Well I'm just pissed. And, yeah, supposedly QuakeConRadio recorded all this, but that broadcast never happened either. What a joke.

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I don't believe their statements. Using a laptop for recording at QuakeCon? I'm almost sure they did record it, but they just don't want us to see/hear it, for some reason. It's a coverup!

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Heh, well I just got the MP3s and I'm gonna give a mastering job a try. I dunno why I think I can do it if Fanatic couldn't, but I've got some stuff I can at least try, and I know somebody else who might be able to help.

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I got the MP3's too, and Bigdog's right: the quality is horrible. After running half a dozen noise reduction filters trough it I've been able to isolate the voice audio, but by that time it's really not useable any more. If any of you plan on going to Quakecon next year, bring some dictaphones.

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OK, the first one of Carmack is unsavable... imagine a fuzzy 16k mp3 converted to wave, converted to a RealAudio file, re-recorded into another computer with a $10 Radio Shack Microphone next to $9 discman speakers, and converted into another fuzzy 16k mp3. Oh, and reduce the volume 90%. You know that aquarium effect MP3s get? You can't hear anything under it... now I did manage to boost his voice above the noise and bit and cut down on some of the noise in between words, but you can't even understand syllables.

The other two short ones are like... eh... I processed them a bit, didn't get too far.

The last one (the Wolfenstein interview) I could probably make a chat log out of; you can understand it pretty well but the noise is annoying... I haven't really tried too much yet, I dunno what's gonna happen. The compression boards and processors which usually work good on vocals actually tuned the voices out of the noise, and not the other way around :P

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Exactly. Now the one interesting thing I did find in the recordings was... the audio from the Doom video showing !
Well, that's what I think it is. It's just some familiar music (Quake 2 intro movie, I think) and the sounds of a gasping crowd. Cool though.

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If someone wants to send me the MP3s, I can take a stab at it as well... I've been known to be able to take complete shit and make it far less shitty, so... ya know...

Anyone tried filtering out the noise with an EQ as well as other filters? If the noise resides in a certain frequency range, it should be easy. I'm guessing someone tried that.

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Anyone tried filtering out the noise with an EQ as well as other filters? If the noise resides in a certain frequency range, it should be easy.


You obviously haven't heard these yet :)

Anyways, I'm taking it to that guy I mentioned's place tonight to see what he can do with these. Hopefully he can at least make them listenable.

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Anyone tried filtering out the noise with an EQ as well as other filters? If the noise resides in a certain frequency range, it should be easy.


You obviously haven't heard these yet :)

Anyways, I'm taking it to that guy I mentioned's place tonight to see what he can do with these. Hopefully he can at least make them listenable.

You're right, I haven't... hehe... although, like I said, I'd like to try...

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Hey, if the mp3 is less then 3,5 mb, just send me it. I will try to fix it. mlesnussa@quicknet.nl

How does 40.5 mb sound?

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