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I wouldn't be surprised if a picture of the Armadillo (the logo they use for their project) ended up in Doom3 somewhere zekret.

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Speaking of which (posted long ago):

Fredrik said:

Finally we know what's in the doom crates! :)

If you study the gray crates found in level 2 in the alpha (texture name sopbox2a), you'll find that there's a warning sign with the number 3293.

3293 is supposedly (I am not sure) the hazard code for Hydrazine (N2H4), which is a highly toxic and flammable substance that is used as rocket fuel.

Any coincidence with Carmack being a rocket scientist here?

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Well, we haven't seen any pictures of hell yet. grutsch must be thinking of something else.

A link to the screenshot where the pipes are shown would be helpful.

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Fredrik said:

A link to the screenshot where the pipes are shown would be helpful.

Isn't he talking about one of the illegal screens? One from the batch that was recently taken down from DW?

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dsm said:

Isn't he talking about one of the illegal screens? One from the batch that was recently taken down from DW?

Since there are no hell screens, either case is really impossible :P

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i e-mailed carmack to ask him if i could buy some stock. he was a douche about it, he's like "unless your gonna contribute a million dollars or such its not worth my time. he could have been nicer about it. even though he was mean to me (i still cry about it) he still gets massive props from me

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MaximusNukeage said:

i e-mailed carmack to ask him if i could buy some stock. he was a douche about it, he's like "unless your gonna contribute a million dollars or such its not worth my time. he could have been nicer about it. even though he was mean to me (i still cry about it) he still gets massive props from me

Uhh... heh. I'm surprised you even got an answer.

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MaximusNukeage said:

i e-mailed carmack to ask him if i could buy some stock. he was a douche about it, he's like "unless your gonna contribute a million dollars or such its not worth my time. he could have been nicer about it. even though he was mean to me (i still cry about it) he still gets massive props from me

dood, gimme his email address!

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Fredrik said:

Since there are no hell screens, either case is really impossible :P

There were "strange scenery" screens among the illegal shots - most likely not Hell screens, but they could've been "fucked up space station" screens. There was a mention of pipes, and I do remember a largely orange-coloured screen, which had "odd-looking pipes" and which someone slightly naive could've interpreted as a Hell screen.

I'm far too used to preconcieved notions around here *shugs*

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The screenshot he probably is refering to is that one (from a magazine article) with a Revenant in a base part in the foreground, and in the background a huge cavern or abyss opens, filled with dense red fog and a "forrest" of curved spikes and tubes. The tubes look as if they were from human origin, the spikes (which are just as big as the tubes) look hellish.
The description text of the picture says "The influence of hell broadens: tentacles pierce through rooms, steel walls turn into raw flesh."

So in a way, it is a hell screenshot. Or, let´s say, a limbo screenshot :)

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Tetzlaff said:

The screenshot he probably is refering to is that one (from a magazine article) with a Revenant in a base part in the foreground, and in the background a huge cavern or abyss opens, filled with dense red fog and a "forrest" of curved spikes and tubes. The tubes look as if they were from human origin, the spikes (which are just as big as the tubes) look hellish.
The description text of the picture says "The influence of hell broadens: tentacles pierce through rooms, steel walls turn into raw flesh."

So in a way, it is a hell screenshot. Or, let´s say, a limbo screenshot :)

Presumably it was taken in the base after hellspawn occurred, not the hell itself.

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MaximusNukeage said:

you dont deserve it
it would be like giving something cool to some one who sucks

Yeah, I think you're full of shit anyway.

It's not that it's probably hard to get or whatnot, I know respectable members of the community keep in touch, but you seem like too much of a punk that anyone of Carmack's stature would deal with, especially something as important as rocket fuel. Hey, maybe you did email him about, and maybe he was a douche because he knows you’re a frustrated pre-teen building a pipe bomb. I have no idea, either way.

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Disorder said:

If I were Carmack I'd make sure that some Armadillo gadgets would end up in the game, just for fun.

Heh, it would be funny to see Doomguy escape mars in a pod with the Armadillo logo on it.

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gatewatcher said:

Heh, it would be funny to see Doomguy escape mars in a pod with the Armadillo logo on it.

lol, that'd be really ironic since the Armadillo is supposedly designed to launch into space outside this planet, not to be sent back to Earth (presumably the ending will somehow tie with earth)

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MaximusNukeage said:

you dont deserve it
it would be like giving something cool to some one who sucks

this coming from someone who not only got pwned and snubbed by carmack, and then went and cried about it

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Coopersville said:

LOL... you said pwned...

of course i said pwned, im a halo fan. thats just what we do.

gatewatcher said:

Yeah, I think you're full of shit anyway.

OH YEAH, IM full of shit, that explains everything.

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Tetzlaff said:

The screenshot he probably is refering to is that one (from a magazine article) with a Revenant in a base part in the foreground, and in the background a huge cavern or abyss opens, filled with dense red fog and a "forrest" of curved spikes and tubes. The tubes look as if they were from human origin, the spikes (which are just as big as the tubes) look hellish.
The description text of the picture says "The influence of hell broadens: tentacles pierce through rooms, steel walls turn into raw flesh."

So in a way, it is a hell screenshot. Or, let´s say, a limbo screenshot :)

yes this is the shot i was talking about. didnt know it was taken down, but i couldnt find it to provide a link, so i guess it has to be down.

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