Katarhyne Posted August 23, 2001 Anyone wanna buy a computer? Check it: 2x1200Mhz AMD Athlons @ 200Mhz Frontside bus -=mounted to=- Tyan Thunder K7, S2462 - no-scsi version -=connected to=- 1 13GB DMA100 HDD and 1 15GB DMA100 HDD -=sending data to=- 512MB PC2400 (corsair) reg'd ECC DDR SDRAM -=being read by=- 32MB AGP Geforce 2 GTS (Winfast) -=shares PCI bus with=- 2 onboard 3Com NICs -=which download music for=- Sound Blaster PCI512 -=whose resources normally used by=- Onboard ATI 8MB Rage128 PCI accelerator -=about as useless as=- Seven fan headers -=also as useless as=- This much horsepower in a desktop system -=but it's nifty as=- all black case with a 460W power supply -=including black plates for=- Floppy, 4x CDRW, and 48x CD-ROM. Anyone interested? $2000 OBO. Highly negotiable. 0 Share this post Link to post
Mizz Posted August 23, 2001 Is there anything other than the hardware? 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted August 23, 2001 What are you asking, if I'm including software with it? It's just the box, no bangboard, no pointy thing, no "tee-vee thang", none of that. And whatever is on the hard drive is...dunno. The 15GB is out of my old Athlon (not Tbird, but slot Athlon) 1Ghz, so it might have pr0n or warez or MP3s or something on it, and the 13GB was given to me by a friend. I will actually probably format the 13 before I send it out, tho. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 23, 2001 My guess is windows. I might be wrong. 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted August 23, 2001 Windows... naaah, what's the chances of THAT being true :P ¦] <--- still won't work, esco! [FIXED] (edit : by a moderator - DiSTuRBeD) 0 Share this post Link to post
Jon Posted August 23, 2001 bring your own OS you dont honestly choose whether to buy a computer or not based on the software bundled with it, do you? 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 23, 2001 Shut up you stupid fuck!Wow, somebody could use a new sig. 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted August 23, 2001 Shut up you stupid fuck!Wow, somebody could use a new sig. Like.. "I'm a stupid fuck, don't rub it in!" or something? 0 Share this post Link to post
Mizz Posted August 23, 2001 Just don't pay attention to it if it offends you. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted August 23, 2001 Since Katarhyne is a girl, i doubt that there would be any "usable" pr0n on those HDs. I could really use something like that except that the cockroaches around my house would probably fry it within the month (we may have as many as 50000 here, i dunno, someimes i feel like they're going to carry the house away) and i dont have much of the natural resource they call "money". I would buy it for $500 (well, not that system, I would buy it for $500 if it had half the ram, half the HD space, some other stuff taken out, etc, but that would ruin it). You see, i jsut got back into college and my financial aid check wasn't very much (only aobut a $1000 went into my pocket this time, yes, i am actually making money off of college, since i live at home and commute I dont have to pay $2000+ per semester for housing down there [and no, my parent's dont charge rent because they know I dont ahve a job]). Oh, did I mention that my computer wont turn on anymore... 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted August 23, 2001 hehehehe... i just noticed Kat's post count. 69... The funnier thing is, Red_Warrior, with the same avatar is at 68. One more and they'll both have 69! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted August 23, 2001 2x1200Mhz AMD Athlons @ 200Mhz Frontside busYuck. No Athlon MPs? Tyan Thunder K7, S2462 - no-scsi versionDouble yuck, I fucking hate Tyan boards. 1 13GB DMA100 HDD and 1 15GB DMA100 HDDWhat are the RPMs? 512MB PC2400 (corsair) reg'd ECC DDR SDRAMNot bad, but certainly not enough for that level of cpuage. Sound Blaster PCI512Creative sound card?! Shudder... Seven fan headersI'd hardly call that useless, especially if you go into 10k or 15k rpm disks. This much horsepower in a desktop systemHell no, that's almost enough to run MAME games at double rez! It would be nice to play ZDoom at 1600 by 1200 windowed, though. all black case with a 460W power supplyDon't care about the color but I dig the power supply. Anyone interested? $2000 OBO. Highly negotiable.I think you'd better negotiate your ass down quite a bit there. I was just screwing around this morning and I theoretically assembled a similar system for a whole helluva lot less, and that includes 512 Samsung DDR one one chip, leaving 3 free. Running a plug ghz system with anything less than 1 gig of ram is a total fucking waste... I wouldn't dare go without 2 gigs. Most DDR boards don't have four slots, it took me a damn good while to find the ABit KG7. It has a built in Raid controller but only has one processor. If you're going AMD there's not much damn use in a multi-cpu box if they're not MPs... that's more of a waste of money than a boost. That Creative sound card is practically worthless though, I would definitely go with a Turtle Beach or an Acoustic Edge. About that Tyan though... is it SoftMenu or will I have to go after the damn thing with a monacle and tweezers? And how many USB ports does the thing support right out? Hopefully four. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted August 23, 2001 Did you build your [edit]"similar"[/edit] system with the same parts? By this, I mean with the Thunder K7 (not Tiger), with the REQUIRED PROPRIETARY POWER SUPPLY (which uses connectors not found on any other power supply), Registered DDR SDRAM (which is also required), and 7.2K HDDs? No, they're not Athlon MPs, but...so? What the hell are you talking about, waste of money - IT'S NO DIFFERENCE. The only perfomance difference is the difference you get going from one Tbird to one Palomino, times two. Tbirds SMP just as well as Palominos do, and so do Durons. I couldn't fault you if you were dissing on creative as a company, but dissing on their cards individually? They're like Nvidia. I can't say I agree with ANY of their business policies, but they DO make solid hardware. And it works, and it sounds good. I can't understand why you'd hate Tyan boards - Tyan makes THE BEST dual-cpu motherboards in the world. Why do you care about softmenu? Are you going to be overclocking? There isn't anything to set except the FSB (200/266) and if you're so lazy as to not want to set ONE JUMPER then you shouldn't even own a computer in the first place. What the hell does the number of fan headers have to do with the speed of your HDD array, unless you're using some weird drive-cooling setup (which shouldn't be hooked up to your motherboard anyway). Face it, the fact is that a standard 12V ATX fan header is virtually useless, much less SEVEN of them. Most powerful fans, especially ones to cool the newer Athlons, pull more wattage than these headers are prepared to supply. You fool, neither Zdoom NOR MAME are multithreaded. An SMP system isn't going to help you run MAME or Zdoom. Yes, the board supports four USB ports, but two are by an extra USB header. How in the hell can you say that 1GB of RAM is required for 2 CPUs? Have you ever HAD a system faster than 1Ghz? Most applications won't use 256MB of RAM, much less 512 or 1GB. In most things, the CPU is your bottleneck (or in games, your video card). Deadnail, I'd say your opinion here is mostly useless. Everything you said about this computer is defaulted by one sentence: I built it out of spare parts. This (with the exception of the motherboard+PSU) is all stuff I had laying around my room. If you don't like it, then don't consider it. ::shrugs:: Not my loss. By the way, do you know what OBO means? "Or Best Offer". 0 Share this post Link to post
Mizz Posted August 23, 2001 Uh, what? Wow, umm... Good comeback, I think.. But I think I saw something similar to that on dell4me.com at 1400. I like it all, except the geforce2 and the 4x cdrw. I would buy it, but the next time I can spend that much money will probably be after you sell it to someone else. 0 Share this post Link to post
stphrz Posted August 23, 2001 Heh. Kat 1 deadnail 0 It's always fun to see someone with the hutzpah to smack deadie around =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted August 23, 2001 Deadnail /me plays evil fanfare. Kat 1 deadnail 666 :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted August 23, 2001 Sounds to be a really strong system. Not fast enough for you, Kat (as usual :) Need new toys? :) So guys, time to realize: When Kat feels that such a comp is not worth anymore to rest in her room... than you should look at your systems and think for a while. Well, would be a nice replacement for my latest ebay buy (Pentium 133, just for ZDoom), but since I am from Germany and my new Mac is not sooo bad.... :) Black hardware - good taste. I have a NeXT cube here on my desk, also black and very - dare I say - sexy looking. (About the fairy tale that dual processors need 2GM ram or that any processor needs such an amount of ram - that is simply false. I am not so familiar with PC operating systems since I use mac, but the much MHz a CPU has the better. The question, how many ram a system needs depends on what OS is installed and what apps are used. I have seen dual system with far less ram and they worked faster when the application supported the second processor and slower when the application was not designed for dual processing. That is what I can say from the Mac front) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted August 24, 2001 Uh, oh. I don't like the looks of this. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted August 24, 2001 Since Katarhyne is a girl, i doubt that there would be any "usable" pr0n on those HDs. Really? I swear that on irc she said she had over 6 FUCKING GIGS of doggie sex on there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted August 24, 2001 Guys, I don't know WHAT is on that 15GB hard drive. I can't be arsed to look. I know what's on the 13GB, tho. Nothing. I debug'd it. ^_^ (for those of you who don't know, Debug is a DOS program that allows you to run assembler-level instructions on a command-line environment. You can use it to do just about anything - I used it to delete the entire FAT and then repartitioned it.) 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 24, 2001 Dude. I want a new computer! Just not yours Kat, sorry. :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted August 24, 2001 ... and I'd prolly negotiate that price down about $1000 too if I had the money :P But since I have to start paying $200 a month for car insurance and about $500 to get the damn thing repaired, that won't be happening :( Make a donation to my charity! I'm a poor bastard a charities are tax deductible or something :p 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted August 24, 2001 Did you build your [edit]"similar"[/edit] system with the same parts? By this, I mean with the Thunder K7 (not Tiger), with the REQUIRED PROPRIETARY POWER SUPPLY (which uses connectors not found on any other power supply), Registered DDR SDRAM (which is also required), and 7.2K HDDs?No fucking Tyan boards, I find their price high for the features given. Similar in effect that its a 1ghz AMD system but if you'd've paid attention I said single processor, not two. Abit, not Tyan. Therefore, no power supply above 300 needed. Registered DDR, 2100, naturally. Samsung. The Abit KG7 requires it. Only one harddrive, a 10,000rpm with an extra cooling unit for it. I would bring over my existing 14g 7200 Maxtor for it. No, they're not Athlon MPs, but...so? What the hell are you talking about, waste of money - IT'S NO DIFFERENCE.Yes none at all. The benchmarks between the two as well as single unit configs on the exact same box were completely fraudulent. I couldn't fault you if you were dissing on creative as a company, but dissing on their cards individually?They're like Nvidia. I can't say I agree with ANY of their business policies, but they DO make solid hardware. And it works, and it sounds good.I'm dissing on Creative for making shitty drivers and fucking horrible CD-Roms and writers. The soundcards themselves are decent, but no match for the competition in the same price range. I can't understand why you'd hate Tyan boards - Tyan makes THE BEST dual-cpu motherboards in the world.If you're willing to pay that much for one, but then again, I'm probably talking to someone who shelled out $600 for a GeForce 3. Why do you care about softmenu?Its a convenience. Are you going to be overclocking?When I put a hella cooling unit in there, damn straight. There isn't anything to set except the FSB (200/266) and if you're so lazy as to not want to set ONE JUMPER then you shouldn't even own a computer in the first place.C. O. N. V. E. N. I. E. N. C. E. Spell it out girly. I can do just the same with a BIOS menu in 1/10th the time. I'm not lazy but I do appreciate being able to start my Pontiac with a key and not turning a crank. What the hell does the number of fan headers have to do with the speed of your HDD array, unless you're using some weird drive-cooling setup (which shouldn't be hooked up to your motherboard anyway).Try dealing with 15,000 rpm harddrives without a shitload of fans on them. You'll take power where you can fucking get it. It's bad mojo but when you've seen a $900 drive literally smoke you do things to avoid it from reoccuring. I'm just glad it wasn't mine. Face it, the fact is that a standard 12V ATX fan header is virtually useless, much less SEVEN of them.Unless you were overclocking both processors and your video card. Most powerful fans, especially ones to cool the newer Athlons, pull more wattage than these headers are prepared to supply.Well then that board doesn't sound so damn good after all then. Forget the above one I guess. You fool, neither Zdoom NOR MAME are multithreaded. An SMP system isn't going to help you run MAME or Zdoom.But Win2K IS multithreaded, and running 50 programs at once (which I tend to do constantly) will ease up on the processor load. That and I heard about a multithreaded port of MAME, don't know if it's true or not. I can't stand doing only one damn thing at once on a computer. Yes, the board supports four USB ports, but two are by an extra USB header.On the front, right? Most of them are like that and it pisses me off. I hate needing a special case to use 'em. How in the hell can you say that 1GB of RAM is required for 2 CPUs? Have you ever HAD a system faster than 1Ghz? Most applications won't use 256MB of RAM, much less 512 or 1GB. In most things, the CPU is your bottleneck (or in games, your video card).The speed of processors has far outgrown the amount of added memory to the chips. 40 gig harddrives should also have at least a 4 meg buffer. More memory does give a system more room to do what it needs to do, Godammit. I've seen a 1.2 Athlon, overclocked to 1.5, run on 256. When he pulled the old ram out and kicked it to 1.5gb of ram that fucking thing was tearing ass like no tomorrow. Maybe you think that's theorhetically impossible, well, keep thinking it. Have fun. Besides that, I also mentioned that I tend to edit hour long raw video streams, two hour long recording sessions, and of course RAM drive gaming. So RAM is important to me. Glad you missed that. Deadnail, I'd say your opinion here is mostly useless.Thanks, glad to know I'm appreciated. Everything you said about this computer is defaulted by one sentence: I built it out of spare parts.Defaulted? I am looking for a computer and it's not for me. Excuse me if a customer can't say a fucking thing. This (with the exception of the motherboard+PSU) is all stuff I had laying around my room. If you don't like it, then don't consider it. ::shrugs:: Not my loss.Sure as fuck isn't mine either. By the way, do you know what OBO means? "Or Best Offer".Yeah thanks, we have Newspapers in Michigan too you know. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted August 24, 2001 If Kat can capitalise Deadnail without him throwing a wobbly, then I can :) Deadnail Deadnail D[that's capital D]eadnail nah nah nah nah nah Deadnail :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Mizz Posted August 24, 2001 I have no fuckin clue what either of them is saying, I wonder who is winning. It didn't seem like Deadnail started crying after what Kat said. I wouldn't be surprised if Deadnail was a chick. That'd explain everything since women are naturally smarter than men, or maybe just me. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted August 24, 2001 /me throws a wobbly at fod Um, I'm not a chick. =P 0 Share this post Link to post
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