DeePsea Posted August 24, 2001 Deadnail, I'd say your opinion here is mostly useless do you know what OBO means? "Or Best Offer". LOL - that says it all about "deadie" (that was cute stphrz). While I'm here, I have something on the other end of the spectrum - a Dell P200 (tower system 1997), 64mb, soundcard, Dell kb, MS mouse, and 2 gig + 1 gig drive (both WD) with win98se2 for $130 + shipping (check UPS for cost). Email me if interested. Or I can part it out? 0 Share this post Link to post
RTC_Marine Posted August 24, 2001 damnit, i would buy, if i lived there :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 24, 2001 rtc; $2000US == $4400NZ, so give up early :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Katgut Posted August 26, 2001 I didn't win Powerball, so I'm out of the running here. Of course, if I'd won Powerball, I'd probably have custom-built a system and... well... that's just way too much computer power for any one person. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zeratul 982 Posted August 26, 2001 $2000US == $4400NZNazis? New Zealand? No... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 26, 2001 $2000US == $4400NZNazis?New Zealand? No...I didn't think they actually called their currency New Zealands. 0 Share this post Link to post
Julian Posted August 26, 2001 $2000US == $4400NZNazis? Godwin, you loose :P 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted August 26, 2001 The New Zealanders don't call the money New zealanders...... Jeez, They are so Original they call them, Get this: New Zealand Dollars!!!!!!!!!!! Well we can't really call our selves imaginitive either, guess what we call our money U GOT IT. AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! Original huh? nah, thought not. Thats my $.01US. heh heh 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 27, 2001 In a few months I am getting a new comp. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 28, 2001 Thats my $.01US. heh hehthat is sooo true. if it wasn't for the GST, our dollar would be valued somewhere near 69c (it was over a year ago) instead of just above 50c. :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted August 28, 2001 You presume to compare a single CPU system to a dual CPU system in terms of price/performance? And to think I had some respect for you at one point, deadnail. Anyway, starting from the top, I suppose I have to debunk the myths you're spreading again, because, by this point, it's not even about selling the computer again - a moot point, since it's already sold. To be honest, since it's the only one, I don't think $375 is too much to pay for a unique feature (regarding your comment that Tyan motherboards are too expensive for their feature complement). I don't know if you were being sarcastic or what, but no, there isn't any difference in SMP palominos and SMP tbirds that you won't see by comparing one palomino with one tbird. I think you misunderstood my original post, in that regard. Read the rest of that paragraph. Okay. GRANTED that Creative has shitty driver support. But the hardware is good. Write your own drivers, biznatch. ^_~ And I can't agree with your comments on their CDROMs or burners. They've always worked flawlessly for me. No, I didn't pay $600 for a Geforce 3. I wasn't even going to get one 'til I got an OEM one on Ebay for $212. As far as the whole overclocking/softmenu/convenience thing...*sigh*. Like I already said, everything YOU said regarding that subject goes is moot when you consider the fact that we're talking about different things here. And as far as setting one jumper/using softmenu, and comparing that to using a key/using a crank, you and I both know (you ARE a smart guy, I think) that that's an inaccurate analogy. It's more akin to changing your carbuerator to get more performance as opposed to changing out a chip in your fuel-injection system. And look at it this way - you KNOW that a bigger carbueretor is going to enhance performance. You DON'T know that with a chip. You don't even know what's on the chip. Your car might never start again. Granted, that's a lot less likely with a softmenu BIOS setup (just yank the battery if worst comes to worst) but, still, the analogy applies. Now, I can't say anything for sure about 15K drives, so don't quote me on this, but since they're aimed at server markets which can't afford to go down often, I doubt they need active cooling. I say improper ventilation. I've run an array of tightly packed 10K drives that were MUCH used without any cooling other than convection, and they never had any problems. When used properly, hard drives do not need active cooling. You moron. The ATX 12V fan header is a standard connector. It provides a standard amount of power - ANY board's fan headers are inadequate to run high-power fans. Go ask ANYONE on ANY overclocking site. The performance gain in most games from having a second CPU to handle Windows' workload is negligible. Granted, it IS nice to be able to multitask that much more efficiently. I personally prefer to be able to allot my applications the full 2.4Ghz, however. Granted, the USB header is on the 'front'-side of the board, but you don't need a special case to use it. I'm using a standard AT USB header that I got at best buy. Takes up an expansion slot. No, you're not appreciated in this thread. (And yes, I know you were being sarcastic.) I've enjoyed your posts in other threads and on the whole you seem to be a pretty cool guy but your opinion here is unasked-for and pointless. You have shown quite clearly that you are not interested in the computer and that was all that was necessary. You then decided, unasked, to criticize the computer, and in doing so, you said several things which were either a) patently untrue or b) miserably unfounded. I merely serve to correct them. You were criticizing the computer, just as you are now. I was explaining why your criticisms, except for a slight few, which I have admitted, were and are unfounded. You have made it blatantly obvious that you are not interested in the computer. ...a customer? I think it's clear from the start you weren't interested in this computer. And yeah, I know you have newspapers there. Do you ever read them? I couldn't tell. Sorry. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 28, 2001 Okay. GRANTED that Creative has shitty driver support. But the hardware is good. Write your own drivers, biznatch. ^_~ And I can't agree with your comments on their CDROMs or burners. They've always worked flawlessly for me.Creative CDROM drives are evil. I had one that randomly opened and closed, usually crashing the computer. sometimes it refused to shut, or open for that matter. and it barely readed cds without fucking up majorly. sorry to go against you, but this really did happen to me. i'll never go near one AGAIN. 0 Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted August 28, 2001 DeathWarrior> Yeah So true....... Gotta leave this damned country. However it's that same currency making it hard to escape from this place! We ARE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! (Not in the game way) heh heh. Fodders> I think he has too. Better get the popcorn and nacho's this could get interesting!!!!!!! heh heh Deathwarrior>(Again) Huh? I never had any problems with creative drivers...........they have always worked well. Only ever bought Soundcards from Creative. Always brilliant. Got a CD-Drive with the first Sound card. Nothing wrong with it either. Musta just been you........ Know anyone you don't like who works at creative? heh heh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted August 28, 2001 Creative CDROM drives are evil.Damn straight, my 32X Creative reads about an average of 7X. What's most annoying, I put a CD in and every feckin' time I have one of those drop-down menus for file-save and stuff, where it lists Desktop, A:, C:, D: and My Documents, the entire computer freezes for about 7 seconds while the CD-ROM "boots". And no I don't use power management so it doesn't turn off, it's just a piece of shit. 0 Share this post Link to post
elbryan42 Posted August 28, 2001 boy, am i glad i don't have one at home. it's enough that i have to use this one at school. it takes forever to eject, and when you use the cd player, there's excessive background noise. oh well... better than getting one of the computers with no cdroms... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted August 28, 2001 You presume to compare a single CPU system to a dual CPU system in terms of price/performance?I certainly do, at least until more of the programs I run become multithreaded. And to think I had some respect for you at one point, deadnail.WTF? Why do people keep saying this? Isn't it bloody obvious I'm an asshole? To be honest, since it's the only one, I don't think $375 is too much to pay for a unique feature (regarding your comment that Tyan motherboards are too expensive for their feature complement).I think $150 is asking too much for a single feature. I don't know if you were being sarcastic or what, but no, there isn't any difference in SMP palominos and SMP tbirds that you won't see by comparing one palomino with one tbird. I think you misunderstood my original post, in that regard. Read the rest of that paragraph.Tom's Hardware (in my sig) did a comparison of the two and there was a noticeable difference. In either case, Athlons still whomp Pentium 4s, even the 2ghz models. The difference is clearly there, but it sounds like you bought all of these components when they were brand spanking new. Okay. GRANTED that Creative has shitty driver support. But the hardware is good. Write your own drivers, biznatch. ^_~ And I can't agree with your comments on their CDROMs or burners. They've always worked flawlessly for me.HA! My Creative 32x8x4x burner is a horrid sack of shit. It is nowhere near the quality of Iomega or Phillips burners. I need a personal miracle from Christ to burn a CD at 8x, and Lüt's right, the access speeds are pathetic. No, I didn't pay $600 for a Geforce 3. I wasn't even going to get one 'til I got an OEM one on Ebay for $212.Nice. I'll probably do the same for a Radeon 8500. I refuse to pay more than $200 for any single computer component other than a hard drive. By doing so you're ripping yourself off. I wish someone I know would pay the $580 for a P4 2ghz so I could personally laugh in his face. And as far as setting one jumper/using softmenu, and comparing that to using a key/using a crank, you and I both know (you ARE a smart guy, I think) that that's an inaccurate analogy. It's more akin to changing your carbuerator to get more performance as opposed to changing out a chip in your fuel-injection system. And look at it this way - you KNOW that a bigger carbueretor is going to enhance performance. You DON'T know that with a chip. You don't even know what's on the chip. Your car might never start again. Granted, that's a lot less likely with a softmenu BIOS setup (just yank the battery if worst comes to worst) but, still, the analogy applies.Its even safer with those new SoftMenus that have a restore option on them. I have a nice three hundred dollar desk.. and my computer has it's own little niche. Its a pain in the ass to get it out of there unless I blindly unplug every cord from the back, which is its own pain in the ass. Thanks for thinking I'm smart, or something, just don't expect anything intelligent from me or you'll be disappointed. Now, I can't say anything for sure about 15K drives, so don't quote me on this, but since they're aimed at server markets which can't afford to go down often, I doubt they need active cooling. I say improper ventilation.Bad ventilation happens easily with a huge mess of IDE ribbons linking to the half dozen CD-Rom drives and other three hard drives. Fans certainly help. I've run an array of tightly packed 10K drives that were MUCH used without any cooling other than convection, and they never had any problems. When used properly, hard drives do not need active cooling.I will contest this, but then again, it may have been a fluke. You moron. The ATX 12V fan header is a standard connector. It provides a standard amount of power - ANY board's fan headers are inadequate to run high-power fans. Go ask ANYONE on ANY overclocking site.Moron? You keep doing that right in the middle of a decent convo. =P I've never had a problem plugging in some wonder fan with given power connectors. Never. Tom's Hardware did a review of 46 different fans... the results speak for themselves. Usually the most expensive ones sucked ass. Overclocking is a touchy game that I wouldn't try without a whole wind tunnel going through my system. That's just me, because as I said, I actually value $150 and melting part of my system, any part, would bother me. The performance gain in most games from having a second CPU to handle Windows' workload is negligible. Granted, it IS nice to be able to multitask that much more efficiently. I personally prefer to be able to allot my applications the full 2.4Ghz, however.Yeah, having one processor do a few gigs of encoding on something in the background while you focus on a game certainly is a boon. Granted, the USB header is on the 'front'-side of the board, but you don't need a special case to use it. I'm using a standard AT USB header that I got at best buy. Takes up an expansion slot.I think I've seen those. CD-Rom bay right? The one I saw had 7 USB plugs. I've enjoyed your posts in other threads and on the whole you seem to be a pretty cool guy but your opinion here is unasked-for and pointless.Thanks, any time. If you've noticed I tend to do this to every thread. You have shown quite clearly that you are not interested in the computer and that was all that was necessary. You then decided, unasked, to criticize the computer, and in doing so, you said several things which were either a) patently untrue or b) miserably unfounded. I merely serve to correct them.Sure sure, but just a) try putting an extra gig of ram in there and see if you get a better framerate or b) see a 15k disk smoke and not be able to be replaced because on the fine print of the manual it states that a fan is required. ...a customer? I think it's clear from the start you weren't interested in this computer.Hmm, I thought I typed 'potential' customer. My bad. And yeah, I know you have newspapers there. Do you ever read them? I couldn't tell. Sorry.Yeah there's some good stuff in there. Did you ever see the Jump Start with the slamdancer in a body cast? That was a classic. That big article in USA Today about 208.11b was more interesting though, but hey, I'm sure you know what that is. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 30, 2001 If Kat can capitalise Deadnail without him throwing a wobbly, then I can :) Deadnail Deadnail D[that's capital D]eadnail nah nah nah nah nah Deadnail :) Thats the funniest damn thing I have ever seen! 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted August 30, 2001 My Creative 32x8x4x burner is a horrid sack of shit. It is nowhere near the quality of Iomega or Phillips burners.Hmm, this 40x20x10x Ricoh burner i have seriously kicks ass. it has this rather nice ability called Justlink (that only works with Nero :/ ) that predicts buffer underruns and actually prevents them from happening. it only fails like 1 out of 30 times. sometimes it avoids 28 buffer underruns in one burn session, while you have something like 5 programs running. definitely a 1337 feature. :D 0 Share this post Link to post
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