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Half-Life 2 - Offtopic


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News taken from Shacknews:

Half-Life2 In 6 Months? [11:51 am]
17 Comments / Flat / DThread - Steve Gibson

There have been rumors floating around for a little while now that Half-Life2 was much further in development than most people would think. Valve has not even really officially announced the game although it has been referenced a couple of times in publications about the company. Well according to a report in the UK trade press (Thanks FGN), Half-Life2 will be announced at ECTS next week. But this is the really interesting part:

...the U.K. trade press have suggested that the long-awaited sequel to Half-Life is just six months away from completion.

Valve has been so quiet for so long it's near impossible to really tell what they have been up to. The only thing that really has been confirmed is that TF2 is late, and that Valve is developing their own in-house engine technology. Assumedly Half-Life2 would also be based on that tech.

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Mmmh. I hope this is true. Not because I want HL2 badly, but because I lost all respect for VALVe the Milk Factory.

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According to my source:

1) Valve Software has been working on Half-Life 2 for more than three years (since the development of their own engine for Team Fortress 2).

2) Half-Life 2 is developed simultaneously in the Vivendi Universal offices, the recently shutdown Dynamix offices, Valve offices and a known American company offices (due to time limits and the big name "Half-Life").

3) Id Software is involved in the development of the game!

They exchanged some parts of the revolutionary Doom III engine to Valve's animation system (lip synching, face animations, etc...) developed by the professor Keen Perlin (who is known worldwide for this kind of stuff and made more than a hundred technological solutions for internet and scientific programs and also won an oscar for this efforts and now, created the most realistic animation of expresses ever!).

These are not new news, I reported them already after the MacWorld Doom III showing.

4) With the help of Perlin's technology, the characters in Half-Life 2 will have the ability do more than 150 different expressions which will create the illusion of totaly realistic events happening on the screen.

5) In his latest interview, David named Half-Life 2 one of the strategic Valve projects for the second quarter of next year.

6) David said that the game will be released in the beginning of April 2002 for PC and the Xbox.

7) The "Xbox exclusive port" rumors can be explained by the fact that Gabe Newell before founding Valve Software, worked for a long time in Microsoft offices.

8) A detailed announce of the game is expected towards this winter.

9) The game will probably not be shown on ECTS this September cause Sierra is not actively participating on the show.

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Sounds to good to be true. You could be right though, cause we haven't heard nearly ANYTHING from Valve for a long time.
All we can do is wait.......................

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Argh, just got back from Gotland with my class. Poor bastard Disorder, what did you say now?...

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*yawn*, ahh, I hate going up at 6.30 AM to prepare myself for school...


I forbidd them to............

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HL3?? Yep, and id isn't really working on doom3, they're working on doom8. Makes sence, doesn't it?


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While were on the subject, I thought I might add some rumors I have heard about Half-life2. I remember reading in a Playstation magazine (possibly the same one scopion read) that the story would involve a new race of aliens. According to the article, the aliens in the first game only came to earth to escape these new aliens. Don't ask me if its true, sounds like bullshit to me. I just wish Valve would come out something, wether it be TF2, Half-life2 or some other video game, as long as its not another one of Gearboxs addons. Yes there fun, but I want a real sequal!

P.S. Speaking of Gearbox, hear are some possible new addons they could make.

Half-life: Black Ops
You play one of those female asassins.

Half-life: Consperacy
You play the asministrator (guy in blue suit that you talk to at the end of the first game).

Half-life: Alien Spawn
You play a headcrab zombie.

Half-life: Xen Biologie
You play a scientist in a bio hazard suit.

Half-life: Donut Break
You play an Otis.

Half-life: Crunch!
You play those little bugs that you steped on in the first game.

Half-life: Gib
You play a skull of a gibed scientist.

Half-life: Another Addon!
You play a gamer desperatly looking for a true half-life sequal among the dead bodies of people who were waiting for TF2. As you play, you are attacked by people from Gearbox armed with random Half-life addons.

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You forgot about those yellow working robots in the intro. You could call it;

Halflife - Carrying boxes through radioctive slime.

and what about "half-life - dumb fuck" where you play as a newbie from the dw forums that somehow gets messed up in all of this?

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and what about "half-life - dumb fuck" where you play as a newbie from the dw forums that somehow gets messed up in all of this?

I sense that I am not welcome by everyone. I wonder why? Could it be my low post count, my slightly dumbassed Half-life addon post, or both? Funny, I seem to remember reading several topics in this forum made by senior members that were extreamly retarded, yet they get laughs (or at times Post Hell). It seems the only way to become "popular" in this forum is to flame people (specificly newbies) out until you get a high post count.

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yep, newbies are not very welcome here. And the members like to make it clear. but then again if u dont like it piss off :p

nobody has flamed me yet so i stayed, hmm why the fuck has nobody flamed me yet. most of my posts are shit, like this one for example...

[edit] actually, this is the dumbest post i have ever posted.

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ROFL!! Yeah, fuck you newbie.
<--- Oh wait... Me looks at own postcount.
I'm even lower than a newbie!

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It would make no sense if they made 3 first...
Screw HL3, I dont even care much for HL2...I WANT TO SEE TF2! They promised it would be out soon when I bought Half-Life...TFC satisfied me for a while...but I want TF2 dammit!

I must apologise for my above ranting, for I wast a little angred...

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Lay of Gollum man, he is a good guy.. He acually said something funny.. DiSTuRBeD grow up u fag.. By your standards, your my bitch when it comes to post counts.. I've been here longer than half you faggots.. So lay off..

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Funny, I seem to remember reading several topics in this forum made by senior members that were extreamly retarded.


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