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Doom map naming game... part 2

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btw... 1000 posts for me!

So what? Wait until you get 1024; then celebrate.
There's nothing special about 1000 posts :)

I just missed my 512 posts celebration yesterday :(

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there are 2 sets of stairs leading up to an alcove with a yellow key. there are 4 noticable doors in this room. when you pick up that key, 2 doors will open on each side of you releasing an imp each. 2 of the doors in the courtyard in front of the stairs releases lots of enemies as well. i believe there's also a plasma gun in this room as well.

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nope. here's a hint: every version has this level. but the pc version is different than the console versions. anyways, i have to go to work. have fun.

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Try and guess this one:
You start out in a military base,(hint hint!!), and in front of you is barrel of acid, and a dead Marine and some Armor Helmets. When you turn to you left, you see a flight of stairs leading up to an observation deck and the Green Armor.
C'MON ON, even a Moron could guess this!! ;P

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You know, maybe we should put the person's name followed by a : to whoever we're talking to because this is getting a little confusing.

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Okay I got one.
You start on a small stone platform, surrounded by water. To your left, is a large stone wall with an imp on it. You are immediatley spotted by 3 cacodemons. Where is it?

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Okay I got one.
You start on a small stone platform, surrounded by water. To your left, is a large stone wall with an imp on it. You are immediatley spotted by 3 cacodemons. Where is it?

Never heard of it. It must be a Final Doom map...

When it comes to PC Final Doom maps, I immediately fold.

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Ok, here we go...

You're at a big stone fortification. Once inside, you notice a good amount of health potions resting on a shelf. You can pick them all up except one no matter how hard you try.

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Map 19, the Citadel?

No. I think you can collect all health potions there.

Doom 64... the Lair? Watch your step?

One of those is right...

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but you can get all the health potions. You just gotta know how to get the hidden plasma rifle in that alcove. then you can just walk right to it. :) I'll explain it if you like!

Anyway, here's my level.
you begin in a slightly darkened room, which leads into the open. the first thing you'll hear is a Baron on an alcove to your right. there is a stariway ahead of you leading to another baron, and a lot of sergeants and imps. Where is it?

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Oh, Zeratul, here's how to claim that last potion BTW. ;)
When you get to that room with the potions and the 3 staricases, go to the top of the middle staircase and follow the righthand wall into a room. Turn right into the room to look out the window towards the staircase you just went up. Go out this window and walk to the bottom of the stairs. There is a Plasma gun in with those pesky potions. Got get it, and you'll be able to get all the potions. :)

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