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geekmarine said:

Seriously, though, are you serious? Have you TRIED mapping for any of the newer engines, such as Quake 3 or something? It's absolutely insane. Even if you DO figure out architecture and stuff, which is extreme difficult given the amount of freedom you have to just do basically whatever the heck you want, you've still got to contend with weird things like shaders and whatnots. Hell, Doom editing is complicated enough for me, thank you very much.

Making maps for modern engines is quite challenging. Some people enjoy this challenge. What I like about the Quake 3 engine is the ability to make absolutely stunning architecture. It's also nice that mapping newbies can't take this hurdle, and therefore mapping sites aren't flooded with shit maps that were build in one weekend.

The original Doom engine does allow newbies to make a couple of rooms, which is cool for them. So it does serve a purpose. The 3D limitations can also be challenging in a way. It's always nice to see mappers take an engine further then it was originally intended.

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