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Most annoying enemy

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I turn the lost soul limit on if I'm playing in MBF or Boom or Millennium.

Heh, I didn't know we had one of those...

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The MANCUBUS! I origianlly said the Pain Elemental but RW likes pain elementals so I am changing it.

And what exactly is so annoying about the mancubus above all other enemies?

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I would say Pain Elemental, but it's easy to lick them by getting in their faces. Revenants are much tougher to deal with, especially with their homing missiles.

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I don't like Archviles -or- Revenants (and don't even care if I spell their name right ^_^). So I vote for the 'viles 'cause it's a -pain- to keep getting set on fire. I like Pain Elementals! They can be either a major pain in the arse, or completely defenseless. They're one of the three monsters I voted 'cute' on my DOOM site (another page was 'the mystery of pink'... conspiracy section!)....

*Hugs BBG* aww, thanks for not voting 'Elementals! They have a hard enough time as it is.... looking kinda like horned meatballs or potatoes...

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P.E.'s by far, they are only there to annoy you...at least the Arch-Vile has a real attack...fortunately for me I get rid of annoying things rather quickly

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What? No 'Chaingunner' option? Gah! Those sons of btiches pissed me off the most by far. Easy to dust, but when at extreme range they annoy the hell outta me.
the Lost soul/P.E by far in Doom 64 though.

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