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Will Doom3 suck because it's an id game!?

Chris Hansen

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AndrewB said:

I was referring to the Half-Life will suck comment, not the "made by Valve" comment.

It will... I got tired of playing the first one after 2 minutes its all the damn same walking around in dark underdetailed corridors with occasional aliens or annoying scientists. Even Wolfenstein is better then that crap!

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I would really have to agree. I mean, that really is all it was. Except, I got bored of it after 2 days, not 2 minutes.

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Dron said:

It will... I got tired of playing the first one after 2 minutes its all the damn same walking around in dark underdetailed corridors with occasional aliens or annoying scientists. Even Wolfenstein is better then that crap!

But what if Valve adressed these issues in Half Life 2? What if they made it replayable?

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dsm said:

But what if Valve adressed these issues in Half Life 2? What if they made it replayable?

They might from what I'VE seen its basically the same crap. I might be completely wrong or right lets just calm down, wait for the games to be released, and THEN say which one is better.

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dsm said:

But what if Valve adressed these issues in Half Life 2? What if they made it replayable?

If so, good for them, but maggots don't often change their diets. Like Dron said, wait until it comes out and then see.

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Either way, someone will enjoy it. Just because, like some out you, I became bored out of my mind with it, doesn't mean it won't be a good game in someone's opinion. Same goes for the anti-doom 3 guy's opinions. But this is a Doom forum so. . .

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more anti-halflife2 bandwagonning? and i thought i was the only one who had issues with it. poor replayability in games with interactive environments usually isnt a problem though, but the scriptedness, however, is.

so that leaves the question, is halflife2 as scripted as we've heard?

either way im looking forward too it.

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Yeah im even looking forward to half life 2, it actually looks good this time round for me. The first one bored me to tears, but still... DOOM is my highest priority.

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AndrewB said:
If so, good for them, but maggots don't often change their diets. Like Dron said, wait until it comes out and then see.

My crystal ball says that most people will love it, and you will hate it.

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the leaked material for half-life 2 was in fact scripted, including all the things they demonstrated that they claimed were specifically not scripted.

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Forget Half Life 2 for now, rush to your local game store and get Far Cry. The SP missions in Far Cry own.

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Arno: Forget Half Life 2 for now, go get Far Cry!


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Arno said:

Forget Half Life 2 for now, rush to your local game store and get Far Cry. The SP missions in Far Cry own.

I 100% agree, Far cry also has the best graphics engine out now

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dsm said:

Arno: Forget Half Life 2 for now, go get Far Cry!

Half Life 2 needs to grow up first.

Naitguolf said:

Better than Max Payne 2? Is pretty good...

The graphics in Far Cry are a heck of a lot better. It's the first game of a new generation of first person shooters.

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Arno said:

Forget Half Life 2 for now, rush to your local game store and get Far Cry. The SP missions in Far Cry own.

Is it better than that, imo, awful awful incredibly boring demo they released?

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Arno said:

Forget Half Life 2 for now, rush to your local game store and get Far Cry. The SP missions in Far Cry own.

"Stalker" anyone?

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Shaviro said:

Is it better than that, imo, awful awful incredibly boring demo they released?

The demo represents an average map from Far Cry. The full game contains some better, and some less good maps. Some of the map designs are truly genious and some are below average.

But if the gameplay from the demo wasn't your idea of fun, then the full game won't be of much fun for you either.

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