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I just found this looking for some small games to download here at school...

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God, I hate pages with percentage based frames and I really hate pages with midi playing. Nonetheless, I've always wanted to see Doom with a Contra flavor so I can't wait to try it. Thanks for the heads up. =)

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I have this thing. For some reason you cant customize the controls and the contols suck balls.

How so re: controls?

I am interested in this, as it basically has already accomplished what I envisioned, right down to the editor. No need to reinvent the wheel, eh?

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Hey, someone else here besides me know of DOOM2D. That's cool as it is.

Bigbadgangsta, if we are talking about the same DOOM2D (There was some other dumb project named DOOM2D) - you are wrong, because the controls are customizable. There should be an external setup program for controls and sound. However, parts of it are in Russian, or at least it is so in my version.

Anyway, the game was pretty fun as I played through it. The last level (level 19) can be a problem if you waste too much good ammo there.

Hint: don't miss the Super Chaingun on Level 11 (I think), because it will make the rest of the game much easier.

If you intend to play coop, you should be aware that there is at least one bug which will make MAP09 unpassable if you die in it.

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fraggle: is that the po'ed version of doom? oh wait. po'ed actually looks worse than that.

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God that site's slow and annoying. My only hope is to get this thing downloaded.

/me crosses my fingers, praying that the download doesn't cancel out.

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I GIVE UP! The site is too damn slow, keeps playing that damn midi song, and the stupid downloading keeps cancelling out (that is, when it downloads more than 500 bytes per sec).

Doom 2D looks incredibly cool, and I want to really want to try it. Does anyone with an upload account have it? I would appreciate it if you'd help me out and upload it to my server. If it is as cool as it looks, it will be on the site.

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I GIVE UP! The site is too damn slow, keeps playing that damn midi song, and the stupid downloading keeps cancelling out (that is, when it downloads more than 500 bytes per sec).

Doom 2D looks incredibly cool, and I want to really want to try it. Does anyone with an upload account have it? I would appreciate it if you'd help me out and upload it to my server. If it is as cool as it looks, it will be on the site.

yes, i want to see it too. SOMEONE UPLOAD IT SOMEWHERE DAMNIT

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I GOT IT! I will be putting it up on the site tomorrow.

Problem... why is it, at random times, my character's live drops to zero, dies, and the game crashes?

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It says with the game somewhere that if that happens to delete doom2d.wad and replace it.

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This thing sounds really cool, it reminds me of wolfenstein 3-D for the mac (everything is 2-D in that game)

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wtf? this shit is stupid as hell.it would be cooler if you can... um... forget it. this shit is stupid as hell. i give credit to the guy, but not for his webpage making skillz. i mean god forbid, it sux.

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I actually downloaded it from www.theunderdogs.org
Go to the action section or go to the year 2001 in the pull-down menu...

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Yes, this is the most annoying bug in DOOM2D - you need to keep an untouched copy of DOOM2D.WAD, because every now and then the health drop and crash starts.

My suggestion: just keep an untouched copy of the original archive and re-extract the WAD when it happens.

Note that it doesn't mess up any of the PWADs nor it messes up saved games (if you saved them before the health started to drop).

The Underdogs site says it's been translated to English. I wonder if they translated the editor too, because that's what counts.

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I'd rather see an above-view 2d doom game rather than a side-view.

Sort-of like how some old nintendo shoot-em-ups had top views in some levels (Super C the most memorable).

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