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New (long) story in works

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first of all, an example of my previous work, and currect, depending on how you look at it

anyways, all the characters are ppl from the community so far, diluted, bigbadgangsta, tobester, kat, and myself. I'm in need of atleast another female and maybe a couple of other members of the community. just either post here or email me or message me(faster ways) about wanting to be in this story. I'll give you some info to fill in about the characters.

I plan to make this a really long story, novel size almost. so i'd like a few more characters. and hopefully I get enough support to finish this. heh.

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He's only about the fourth one to ask me to either be or star in their book/screenplay/RPG/porno. Interesting, neh?

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...of course. I don't have a penis, so that automatically makes me loved in this forum. Then again, neither do some of the other residents of this forum... (and I'm not referring to Red or Charlotte or Sentry, either)

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They don't bother me (although Ralphis is kinda creepy - I swear he is like 30). I was more thinking along the lines of Wavelength, Shotgun Bill, Archvile46...people of that sort.

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hey i just noticed a couple of things:
1.) this is the most replies i've ever gotten in anything i've posted
2.) when ya scroll down fast enough, mine and Kat's avatars look like they merge into a red demon of sorts, lol

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i wanna be in it! as the lazy basrad who refuses to work on relapse cause he's doing other stuff.

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