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Best port for Hexen???

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Whats the best port to run hexen?
I have Jhexen(doomsday) but i wanted to know if there is a better one for on-line games(with more features than jhexen).

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Skulltag seems perfect for on-line Hexen (and indeed Heretic), but unfortunately everyone only ever seems to play Doom 1 & 2 on-line with it.

If you can get a server set up and organize some people to use it though, it'd be ideal. Hmm, perhaps if there were some Skulltag Hexen DM levels more people would be inclined to try it...

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Skulltag might work. You can load Hexen in it but it hasn't really been tested yet.

Meh, looks like I've been beaten to the post.

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Eh? You can host a Skulltag server and play it at the same time. Skulltag even has an in-game server browser, so you never need quit the game! :D

Oh yeah, if for some reason Skulltag doesn't work, you could also give ZDaemon a try. But AFAIK that doesn't have an in-game server browser :).

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To run f.ex a Hexen DM game on map01, I believe you'd type "skulltag -host -deathmatch +map map01" at the command prompt (without the quotes). If there are other iwads in the directory with hexen.wad, e.g. doom.wad or heretic.wad, you'd also need to have "-iwad hexen.wad" straight after the skulltag part.

If you've got any more ST-related questions, why not try the Skulltag forums? :)

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I've actually done quite a bit for Hexen support in the multiplayer arena. I doubt it's perfect, but it should work pretty well at least. Try it out and let me know :)

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