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Mickgr won the last contest and has chosen this as the next topic

THIS WEEKS CONTEST: Draw a doom marine under the full influence of berserker!!! (add whatever demons, backdrops, props etc. that you like, important thing is to capture the primeval, raw aggression that the berserker brings out.)

Have fun everyone :)

The prize for this.....hmm... do you people need anything, really?

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Hate to be prudent but it doesn't look like this compo is popular. Bit of shame. It's an interesting topic imo.

In any case i assume that the deadline is about 12th of april (at the top of my head).

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I'm drawing something up now... if I'm satisfied with it I'll put it up.

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There was never any prizes before... ... I'll prolly stop being the art contest setter upper after this.. just don't have the time or will anymore...

Might even step down and let someone else mod...

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You know me, my entry is always late, because i'm piccy about which idea i wanna go for or i give the entry the extra makeover to ensure that it's acceptable.

I have a few ideas for this one. A posing angry marine, a marine punching a hole clean through a baron or a hulking marine standing over an imp. One of those ideas.

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Here's my idea: Marine, hands bloody, with his arms held tensely at his side, scremaing madly. His helmet is on the ground next to him where he ripped it off his head. Around him are the dead bodies of demons. He's in Hell; there's a mountain off in the distance and a river of fire not too far awasy.

Too bad I can't draw worth shit.

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I would enter but I can't seem to recreate the image I have in my head...

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Monday? Isuppose its Monday morning here, 4 something in the AM. I will be finishing the pic up tonight. (11:00 pm or so) What timezone does it end in? I've spent a bit of time on this pic and its my first time entering a contest, so I want to make sure I get it done.

Goodnight all.

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Sorry guys, won't be entering this compo this time, or many others for a while. I am nursing a broken hand. Always seems to happen this, last time I picked up the drawing thing I sliced my hand open at work, now this time my right hand is fooked. Some arse-wipe slammed a phone box door on me hand while I was talking to mates after a night out. Guessing a few weeks afore a pick up the pencils again.


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Congrats to Bluesonnet... you win by default. You want a title or what? Also, Mickgr.. I never got your title to you... you still want the old one? or something else?

Also.. this will be the last contest until I get better organized... Im all screwed up... can't keep track of anything.. breaking deadlines.... apologies to those I told the next gp would be done last night... I got sidetracked.. cause I'm a moron...

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