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some 56k lag reduction tips for zdaemon users(noobs and vets come here)

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I tend to spend alot of time playing around in the console and command line a little bit on ZDaemon and I have found some stuff that can really help out your lag. e.g.- if you have a slow computer(P100 maybye?), you can play with little or no sound(and I don't just mean turn the volume down...). Post some other questions here and I will try to help you.

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kay. i have a 28.8k modem. and i can play good with very little lag. depending on how many people are playing or whether or not im downloading at the same time(then everything is fubared) but im usually good. the only thing i hate is the half second delay between when i fire and when the shot actually shows up. Is there any way to help with that. cause its causing me to suck. And just a handy tip that i should pass along. ive found that my ping is lower on servers that are closer to where i live then those farther away. unfortunately, there are none in canada. so the states is closest for me. while Germany is very ping high.

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the only thing i hate is the half second delay between when i fire and when the shot actually shows up

If that really is half a second, then you have a lot of lag (and a ping aroud 500 which is considered to be unplayable). And why still 28.8? 56k modems are so cheap now that they come standard with every new PC since 2\3 years.

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see for me it is a matter of not having the money for a 56k modem. and also i live in rural manitoba(thats in canada) so im out of range of dsl. however it should be coming out to my area soon. when it does ill be getting it. so for now i gotta play with sucky ping

....56k modems come standard with every new pc

well. i didnt get my computer brand new. i got it second hand. and it didnt even come with a modem. i had to get one from my school's electronic's lab.

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Let me get this straight... DSL subscriptions there are cheaper then a 56K modem?

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25$ a month is what we will get. the thing is. its my mom paying for the internet. but i would be me paying for a 56k modem if i were to go and get one. i dont have that kind of money. i dont have any actually. but really. this thread is about lag reduction. not flame the guy who cant afford a 56k modem. thank you very much.

Edit::.. and even if i did have money for one. i live in the country, on a farm. i dont go into the city that much. so i dont have the oppurtunity to by one either.

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bookworm87 said:

25$ a month is what we will get. the thing is. its my mom paying for the internet. but i would be me paying for a 56k modem if i were to go and get one. i dont have that kind of money. i dont have any actually. but really. this thread is about lag reduction. not flame the guy who cant afford a 56k modem. thank you very much.

Edit::.. and even if i did have money for one. i live in the country, on a farm. i dont go into the city that much. so i dont have the oppurtunity to by one either.

I know your pain. I live in the middle of the woods, nearest town is incredibly small, and I have to run a P100 computer with a 38.8 while im at it! It hurts! Tell me your computers specs and anything you already do and I will try to help.

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well. i have a pentium 2 processor, windows 98 SE, 128MB of ram. and 3 gigs of hardrive space. my my modem is an Acer 33.6

some things that i do already is to choose a server that has 4 or less players and to choose one that is close to home. unites states and canada ones work the best. also i only play late at night here. like after 9pm cuase then my isp isnt so loaded with people. with all that i can usually get a decent game. except for the delayed shot. maybe there might be something to reduce it a bit.

thankyou for any help in advance.

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Go to Your DUN Properties, General Tab, Configure Button, Connection Tab, Advanced Button. Deselect 'Use error control', 'compress data', select 'Use flow control' and select 'Hardware' flow control. Untick record a log file. Click OK until you are back to the first window. Select the sever types tab. Untick everything except TCP/IP protocol (unless your ISP requires different). Click TCP/IP settings and tick IP header compression (the rest your ISP should define). Click all the OKs. If you have an external modem make sure the port speed is set to maximum.

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I live 10 miles south of San Jose (Silicon Valley in California).

My modem is a 56K, and the only connection I can get is around 26K because the phone centrals are crap. And so on DSL is not possible. And I cannot get cable because I live 200m off the closest neighborhood.

I dont live in the country side and still I get crappy internet. All of that thanks to private phone companies who prefer to reward stockholders/owners than developping the phone centrals.

hail to the american ultra liberalism and wild capitalism !

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fodders said:

Go to Your DUN Properties, General Tab, Configure Button, Connection Tab, Advanced Button. Deselect 'Use error control', 'compress data', select 'Use flow control' and select 'Hardware' flow control. Untick record a log file. Click OK until you are back to the first window. Select the sever types tab. Untick everything except TCP/IP protocol (unless your ISP requires different). Click TCP/IP settings and tick IP header compression (the rest your ISP should define). Click all the OKs. If you have an external modem make sure the port speed is set to maximum.

um, where are the "DUN" controls? I wanna try that.

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Dial Up Network. took me awhile to figure that out. if you got win 98, just click on My computer icon. then Dial up networking icon, and then right click on your connection and select properties. I havent noticed any change in speed but my internet is always slow at this time of night. itll be faster later on tonite.

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bookworm87 said:

Dial Up Network. took me awhile to figure that out. if you got win 98, just click on My computer icon. then Dial up networking icon, and then right click on your connection and select properties. I havent noticed any change in speed but my internet is always slow at this time of night. itll be faster later on tonite.

God, I am ignorant! I have no idea why I couldn't figure out whay DUN was, I usually would recognize something like that. Thanks. I actually wold have gotten help ot you sooner, but I am trapped at school all day. TGIF! Do you still want some console and command line stuff that seems to help me? It might help you.

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yes. please. cause this took away the shot delay a bit. and it connects to the games faster but there is still a bit of a delay that makes playing a drag. i wanna try to speed it up as much as possible.

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You're not going to get it any lower, you've reched the limits of the technology. A 56k modem 50 miles from me pings 180 at least. If you get it reasonably lower than that let me know ;)

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