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Best new monster in Doom II

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Archvile, mancubus, revenant, pain elemental, chaingunner, hell knight, arachnotron, SS, Romero head are all Doom 2 only.

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gotta go with the arachnotron, i think it looks cool...i absolutley hate the chain gunners...

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Romero head? Please... It's not even a monster, it does nothing but take damage... It's just a way of ending a level.

I'm with Arch-Vile too. He's fast, he's relatively strong and he can be very dangerous.

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Hmm... well, I think that in most cases he is "just dangerous", especially if you have a BFG to wipe him out on the spot. Without a BFG, in large areas where it's hard to hide, he is "very dangerous". But his flame attack does take about 2 seconds to damage you, usually enough time to get out of his sight or hit him and cause him to scream in agony and stop the fire.

What's annoying is having him in an area with lots of corpses, because then, when he doesn't see you he starts resurrecting them.

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I would have preferred to vote for the Baron's weaker cousin but he was not on there so I just settled with the flame-launching lardball

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Hell Knights. Absolutely love those guys.

for once i have to agree with you, though i love chaingunners also.

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Die :).
The chaingunners suck dude. Its just a mini-spiderdemon in a zombies body.

Oh wow, so everything is that simple? I always had those complicated theories, like that chaingunners are people with chainguns...

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