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Fanfic, chapter 1, havent figured a good name yet.

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I had fought hell for years. Same old, same old. I had quit my days in the U.A.C. But as always, they were still a major organization. That wasn't my worry, there was another corporation, Savage, that was picking up on the U.A.C.s, gate experiment. Nothing wrong had happened, luckily. I was drafted in. I had no idea, But Savage, forced me into their company. I was being shipped to the frozen planet, Sedna. No idea why. The only reason was if they wanted to, kill me. Unless they found a way to survive on it. The ship was shuttering along past the rest of the planets. I had a strange feeling in my gut. As if something was still out here. The ship crashed and a barrel came flying and knocked me out. I woke up to the smell of smoke. I was on a stretcher. I had been in the infermory. It was empty in the room. I was fine with that, until the doors flew open. It was one of the medical researchers, he was panicking. He was completely pail, and his face had popping veins that appeared very bright in the light. I had no idea what was going on, other then I knew it was what I sensed. The doctor stared at me his face growing more swollen, he l ooked at me and wrote on his clip board "Lv21, action 9". I had re membered about Lv21. Many news came out of this place, the discovery of the "xenomorph hive""predator technology" and a lar ge gateway, that looked as if it had sharp teeth, and long horns. Action 9 meant, take nothing, but protection, and don't assault if not needed. I reluctantly looked for the armory. I found the door, but the weapons had been destroyed. I only had one thing that worked, an artifact. An artifact with the ability to harvest the energy of a demon, to use as a terrible force.

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