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Today, I fired up good ol' DOOM2.EXE and played the original 32 levels (all of them, including MAP31 and MAP32). I played for 6 hours. One thing I noticed was that MAP19 (The Courtyard) had a -badly- misaligned texture.

Another thing was that the orangey rock texture from MAP26 (The Abandoned Mines) is from Wolfenstein and also appears in Quake. Here's a pic of the Wolf version:

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go into map01 doom2, the secret in room where exit is, go inside, look up to left, black block, wtf is that?

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MAP19 (The Courtyard) had a -badly- misaligned texture.

Map19 = citadel
Map18 = courtyard

So which one do you mean?

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MAP19 (The Courtyard) had a -badly- misaligned texture.

Map19 = citadel
Map18 = courtyard

So which one do you mean?

Does it matter? They all have badly aligned textures.

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It was Map18 that had the horribly misaligned texture.

I think Inferno is the best DOOM episode of all. DOOM II is the worst, and Knee-deep in the Dead is second worst.

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