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possible new screenshots


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i typed in doom3 in Korean at the Korean yahoo webpage, and I was looking through the images, and found stuff I've never seen before. I doubt the screenshots are from the alpha, because i've played all the alpha maps and i've never seen some of the places in the screenshots.
heres the link:

*link removed*

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There is nothing new in those shots you damn noob. I will refrain from calling you a retard though because I like your name.

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DaJuice said:

There is nothing new in those shots you damn noob. I will refrain from calling you a retard though because I like your name.

lol. thanks man.

you mean you've seen the screenshots of the two soldiers talking, two soldiers guarding the door, some sort of loading screen and screenshots of the city? ....must've been along time ago then....

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It's all in the leaked alpha my man. You can noclip through to the city, which is not built to scale I might add, strictly for decoration.

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wow, never knew that. I've used noclip before but never saw the city anywhere. What about the other scshots with the guards?

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The screenshots with the guard are interesting, the Doom marine has a different looking helmet, and is wearing gloves... or isnĀ“t it the Doom marine?

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Looks like highly illegal screenies to me. It's clearly alpha stuff, given the location, the scenes and the shitty shadows.

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The guards talking and stuff is just the intro, you can float around while it's playing. And yes, we're not supposed to post any alpha material, although I wouldn't call it highly illegal. I mean this shit is so old everyone and their mama has already seen it.

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DaJuice said:

I mean this shit is so old everyone and their mama has already seen it.

My mama hasn't seen it.

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considering I cant read Korean, I cant tell ya what it says....except the English that says Doom 3: alpha review
so yer Im guessing the screenies are from the alpha ay :P

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Do not post screenshots from the leaked alpha. Maybe this is a stupid policy on Doomworld's part, but that's the way it is.

DaJuice said:

There is nothing new in those shots you damn noob. I will refrain from calling you a retard though because I like your name.

Play nice.

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