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Oh my god, they killed the poll! You bastards!

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I haven't done one in over 24 hours, soooooooo,


Which map from doom 1 or 2 would be the best to hold a large party in?

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'Icon of Sin'

Check out the space you've got there.
Besides, the icon of sin would be the dj.
And instead of spitting out little deathcubes (that's how I call 'em), he will be spitting out bottles of beer.
And the little room where you start in, could be some sort of hangout-room.

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E3M6 : MT. Erebus all the way! All the rooms, all the buildings.. all the freespace! there is no alternative!

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a big square box made by a newbie with miss aligned textures and the whole 9 newbie yards

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Tricks and Traps. With all the tricks and traps in place, of course.

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I can just imagine...a bunch of drunk mother fuckers are ready to leave. As they gather their coats they walk to the exit. Suddenly, the floor begins to drop away and they fall into a pit of nuclear waste to die a slow and painful death.


Heh, you saw that wedding video huh?

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Let this poll live! I already had one poll sent to post hell...

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i think it is storage facility...as far as my place would be...level 32 of tnt (caribbean)it has water to go swimming in...which means chick is in bikinis..hehehe...plus anybody gets out of hand i have my cute little pet cyberdemon at the back of the place to help clear out unwanted guests...muahahaha

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