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How in god's name am I supposed to play QDOOM if EDGE setup freezes my POS machine after the title music stops??????

/me dumps a bucket of ice cold water on meself

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Guest Fanatic

Which EDGE are you running? (EDGE.EXE, EDGE32.EXE, GLEDGE32.EXE)

If EDGE32 or GLEDGE32, are you runnnig DirectX 8?

Can you run EDGE by itself?

Does QDOOM run if you pass -noextra after the # (e.g. qdoom 3 -noextra)?

Can you pass -debugfile as well and email the debug0.txt that it creates?

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Hrm... sounds like you don't.

BUT, what you can do is start QDOOM by passing -debugfile through the qdoom.bat (e.g. qdoom 3 -debugfile) and post the debug0.txt it creates, or mail it to Fanatic or somebody else on the EDGE team, and they could possibly see what the problem is.

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That didn't help me one bit. I'm running EDGE 32 I think (I know it's v1.26). And I never got QDOOM, I just have troble with EDGE.

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