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Whats ur opinion on people who do this???


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what do you think of people who have doom,doom2 ect...but they either d/l'ed it from a warez site or d/l it from a peer to peer sharing thing(Morpheus, ect...) I will admit that I d/l wolfenstien using one, but thats only because I couldnt find it anywhere and my dad wont let me order stuff online...:(, but I have all the doom ones bought.


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Well, it's ok in MY book, but that's me. As long as you don't tell all of the known universe about it, it's fine. If you really need Doom/2 that bad, then go ahead.

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Well, it's ok in MY book, but that's me. As long as you don't tell all of the known universe about it, it's fine. If you really need Doom/2 that bad, then go ahead.

As long as you don't tell Mordeth you'll be fine...

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Do what you gotta do, but realize that your money is what these developers live from, and any good game is worth paying for.

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