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Worst Wad.... Ever

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WOW! wins in all categories for the worst wad ever.

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It's "The Sky May Be" I tell ya! THAT'S THE WORST WAD! For further discussion seek more threads that have already done this.

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It's not only wether the Wad is bad..
The wad is seriously bad when it's a piece of crap, yet the authors are seriously happy with that (like naming it WOW)...
Seriously, Good Lord save us from such.

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Ichor said:

Pfft. Those are nothing compared to this atrocity.

I'd say the text file is the true winner here... :-D

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DD_133 said:

We have a winner

I disagree. Map01 just shows that he didn't know how to delete a map. Look at map02 to see what he actually intended to release. It's just an ordinary and somewhat mediocre newbie attempt at mapping - certainly not a contender for any "worst ever" awards.

The text-file is remarkable indeed, but I've seen worse than that too.

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There was one called "Pea shootin'" that was reviewed in /newstuff way back (no i dont remember the number, but it was back when it was 2-3-line descriptions and always written by ling) which was a square room with two deathmatch starts, and that was it!. Or there is the "iamevil" series, but they where probably deliberatley bad so dont count

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From the WOW.wad readme:
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build other levels.

There is a God.

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Grazza said:

Suicide-inducing: Nightmares of Loki 1999

For some reason I played this a while ago, and the author doesn't make it out to be retarded at all in the txt file. Then you play the wad, and it's horrible. A mean trick.

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Motion is of course my pick for this category.

cyber-menace said:

It's "The Sky May Be" I tell ya! THAT'S THE WORST WAD! For further discussion seek more threads that have already done this.

I didn't find it bad.. the experimental factor of it alone leads me to consider it one of the better 50% of the .WADs in the archives.

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BlackFish said:

Where? That text file had bad grammer all over it.


And as for the worst map ever, well, I've played soooo many newb maps and flat out horrific levels it's hard to decide which one is the worst.

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The Ultimate DooMer said:

Those stupid 'time travel saga' wads...

Which do you have in mind? The ones that have an element of "time travel" that immediately spring to mind for me are Osiris, Odyssey and Eternal. Surely you didn't mean them??!

(Oh, I see; maybe you meant this crap.)

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cyber-menace said:

It's "The Sky May Be" I tell ya! THAT'S THE WORST WAD! For further discussion seek more threads that have already done this.

With ease.

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Lets see... These are the worst wads I've come across while playing for The New Oldstuff Chronicles. Or at least I think they, I don't remember all of them that well anymore. I guess I just have to trust my reviews. Here are the reviews (and yes, I'm still to lazy to write the links, find them at the archives, doom2 folder):






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BlackFish said:

Where? That text file had bad grammer all over it.

DooMBoy said:



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DooMBoy said:


I really hope BlackFish did this intentionally.

Speaking of the worst wad. There was someting called "hell-o"
Avoid at all FUCKING cost.

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gotohell wasn't really all that bad, I just got through playing it. At least the guy who made it aligned the teleporter textures to the grid, same goes for the lights in the start room :P

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AgentSpork said:

I personally believe my first map (LINK) has to be one of the worst maps I've ever played.

That doesn't even come close to some of the crap that has been listed here.

My favorite is still Boom 2.3. The maps are utterly pathetic and lack even the slightest hint of an effort to create something decent, the new textures are atrocious with severe danger of causing eye damage and the crowning achievement is the broken WIMAP0 lump which makes it crash in ZDoom and PrBoom. I have seen lots of bad maps but not on this scale and certainly not in larger numbers by the same (...) (I refuse to name him 'creator', he doesn't even deserve this.)

Honestly, maps can't get much worse than this!

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