Schneelocke Posted May 17, 2004 sargebaldy said:Huh, I don't see what all the Nightmares of Loki bashing is about.. the maps themselves weren't THAT bad, it was mostly a combination of the sounds and awful new graphics.. but actually they really gave it a creepy atmosphere, so I can't say it was all that bad, just really fucked up. Not "bad" as in "horribly amateurish", no, but I think Grazza hit the nail on the head when he called it "suicide-inducing". You can't play that thing for more than a few minutes without going insane (or at least I can't). 0 Share this post Link to post
sargebaldy Posted May 17, 2004 I actually played it for an hour or so, but I guess I just have a thing for experimental/psychedelic wads by people who shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets at night. 0 Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted May 18, 2004 Ichor said:Yes, map 2 had textures, but you couldn't get to it except by cheating.Or via a command line: hexen -file walk.wad -warp 02 -skill 4 As for Nightmares of Loki, it appeared in /newstuff in a week when I was reviewing, and I spent quite a few hours testing it (playing the levels in their entirety, without cheats), in an attempt to find something good to say about it. It wasn't the awful sounds and graphics that cause me to regard it as among the worst ever; it was the abysmal gameplay.This wad features dreadful sound effects, pointlessly recoloured monsters and weapons, together with nausea-inducing colour schemes and textures. But I could forgive all that (I think...) if it offered some worthwhile gameplay. However, gameplay is perhaps its weakest point of all. Typically you need to find a switch that opens a hitherto unmarked door on the other side of the map. You scour the map for it, and eventually find it, whereupon you find another switch that does just the same thing. Over and over and over again until you start to lose the will to live.Little Faith also wrote at some length about this wad. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathbringer Posted May 18, 2004 Map01 of Walk Of Faith *was* terrible, but since it was an accident (couldn't figure out how to delete it) I'm not sure you could really count it "Mummy, Mummy, i've had an accident" 0 Share this post Link to post
Lutrov71 Posted May 18, 2004 My map is worse than Walk of Fath and Doom junior. :) UAC LABS wasn't TOO bad. 0 Share this post Link to post
Spidercyberdemon Posted May 30, 2004 1337.wad-Good, but some levels repeat. I LOVE the fact that there are so many Icon of Sin levels. wow.wad-WOW! I CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT WAD I JUST MADE! IT IS LIKE SO, SO SHITTY I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. WOW! Very poorly done. Bad job, author. Maximum Doom CD-Out of EVERY SINGLE WAD on there, the ONLY ONE which I thought was good was Enjay DOOM (32 levels) DOOM JR is fair. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lutrov71 Posted May 30, 2004 Spidercyberdemon said:DOOM JR is fair. You suck. 0 Share this post Link to post
Aleaver Posted May 31, 2004 LOL! I got one. And I made it.. This is the worst I ever made/saw.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Schneelocke Posted May 31, 2004 Append a whitespace after the URL and it'll work. 0 Share this post Link to post
188DarkRevived Posted June 5, 2004 Worst WAD ever played? Hmmm...That would definately be the DOOMWORLD SPEEDMAPPING CONTEST WADs. How can you possibly make a good WAD in only 100 hours? That's ridiculous. You need at least 1 month for a good WAD, IMO. 0 Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted June 5, 2004 I presume "hours" was a typo... But have you actually played these wads? It's amazing what guys like Fredrik Johansson, Erik Alm and Jonathan Rimmer can rustle up in 100 minutes. I understand that some of the early maps in Scythe are essentially speedmaps too. 0 Share this post Link to post
Schneelocke Posted June 5, 2004 It all depends on the tools you use. Creating a WAD with DoomBuilder goes much faster than creating one with DEU, for example (or at least that's what it's like for me); others who have more experience than me or have built large libraries of prefabs are most likely much faster even. Granted, not all speedmapping maps are great quality, but there are more than enough that are better than your average built-without-a-deadline WAD, and generally saying that a WAD needs to have taken at least this or that long to complete will just make you miss a lot of great levels out there. Want an example? Take a look at Torment & Torture, which was built in just one weekend. 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkhaven Posted July 11, 2004 What does everyone think is the biggest pile of smeg ever made? MY VOTE: WOW.wad and Big Crappy Shit Megawad. 0 Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted July 11, 2004 Now how many threads have we had of these in the past 2 months? 0 Share this post Link to post
The Ultimate DooMer Posted July 12, 2004 No no no no, you're forgetting such gems as Big Crappy Shit Megawad, Mockery Teaser, No Place to Hide (whatever it was called), that single red room one, OMFG, Burger and the recent Tunnel. At least Sadhusct had those trees... 0 Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted July 12, 2004 Merged with the most recent thread on this topic - that way there's no need for people to repeat what they said last time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Twiztid Posted July 12, 2004 Ichor said:Sadhusct.wad omg, that was a worthless peice of shit... 0 Share this post Link to post
Darkhaven Posted July 12, 2004 Cool, thanks Grazza. And did I forget to mention Doom 3001? 0 Share this post Link to post
Grazza Posted July 12, 2004 BTW, I messed about with wow.wad to see if I could make it even worse. It is actually possible to exit this version though. 0 Share this post Link to post
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