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Worst Wad.... Ever

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My map is second worse.
Doom Jr would have to be the worst because it is 32 levels of badly made levels! Not just one, 32!

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Demon Hunter said:

female DOOM is the worst

That was only bad due to the tasteless content - and there are wads with far worse content than that. Perhaps it can be regarded as the best wad that was cocked up by porn content though.

Lutrov71 said:

Doom Jr would have to be the worst because it is 32 levels of badly made levels! Not just one, 32!

So was THISSUXX.WAD, and that Loki wad had 35 maps; Boom 2.3 had quite a lot of maps too (exactly how many depends on whether you count the ones that are identical to one another).

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I wish I never tried doomjr, I can no longer play these kinds of wads to arrive at my own conclusion, these all should be avoided like the plague, so that the residents of doomworld don't suffer from brain damage. With the exception of Femdoom.

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i thought the sky may be was hillarious, so was fritter.wad (though there wasnt enough ammo and it was too small).

wow.wad has to be the worst ive ever played. either that or nuts.wad (but DAMN it was funny... until i registered like .3 fps)

im downloading nighmares of loki now... maybe that will end up being the worst.

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If you're desperately seeking really putrid crap, then there is always Ratzepimmel's World. Download at your own risk.

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Spidercyberdemon said:

It was made by...

I know i'm probly gonna sound like a complete tool... but is he serious? Did the columbine killer REALLY make a doom wad? Cause thats really damn interesting if he did.

Oh- let me guess... I'm an idiot?

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I wish I never tried doomjr, I can no longer play these kinds of wads to arrive at my own conclusion, these all should be avoided like the plague, so that the residents of doomworld don't suffer from brain damage.

Who would make such an awful, awful levelset?

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Foofoo said:

I know i'm probly gonna sound like a complete tool... but is he serious? Did the columbine killer REALLY make a doom wad? Cause thats really damn interesting if he did.

Oh- let me guess... I'm an idiot?

If I recall correctly he actually made two wads.

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Ichor said:


Holy shit, I just played it. That wad is so bad that it's scary.

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Foofoo said:

Did the columbine killer REALLY make a doom wad?

Yes, he made several. If you're really interested, then go here (the introductory text is wrong - uaclabs is for SP). There's nothing especially remarkable about them though, other than who made them. You can try to read something into the text-files, but it can also be interpreted as just the type of smack-talk that is prevalent in some enclaves of the gaming community.

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cool... well, not that he murdered people. That's uncool. But we have a little... how would you say... urban legend-ish-type thing happening here.

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I still wonder what Realdoom was like, i assume it was on his computer for e-mailing to interested people, which was probably pulled apart to its component molecules, ground into powder and fed to a dog during the police investigation, so i suppose it will never be seen..

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cyber-menace said:

It's "The Sky May Be" I tell ya! THAT'S THE WORST WAD! For further discussion seek more threads that have already done this.

That wad is SUPPOSED to be retarded.

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deathz0r said:



Did you actually release that?

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Dron said:

Did you actually release that?

No, but I uploaded it to somewhere on my slipgate.org webspace.

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I think that line works better when spoken than when written.

BTW, I've had lots of fun with Nuts.wad, and consider it neither a bad map nor a joke wad. Would have been even more fun if there had been some way to kill everything.

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I liked the nuts wads. Equinox was better, though. :P

About worst wad ever... worsthub.wad

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I can't even play the Sky May Be. It's not even a wad file. It's that stupid gay format where you HAVE to use DOS Doom.

Well, that's what was in the archives. I hate "wads" like that.

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