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Just started playing doom again...


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Hi. I just started playing doom again. I downloaded and installed jDoom and it looks fantastic. D3D mode, high res, high color, all the models are 3d, it feels like playing colorful version of quake. I'm hooked all over again! :)

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it feels like playing colorful version of quake.

Oh yeah, you'll fit in here just fine. =)

Just slam Q3A while you're at it and you'll get moderator status.

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Is there other port like the excellent jDoom that does similar thing but maybe better? Sorry I'm pretty new at this and don't know what most people are using.


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Legacy has pretty good OpenGL support... other than that there's ZDoomGL... no other source port with graphics accelleration has had a recent release.

I would say trying ZDoom 1.22... I think you'll like it. =)

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Well that's just dandy. Your drunken bushido technique is no match for my deadly midwest Polack Kung-Fu. Now get some wadfiles to play with too, as soon as your done with the IWads of course.

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