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Miscellaneous demos (part 1) [please post in part 3 instead]

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What port are you using? Latest test version of glboom-plus reports 0 monsters alive as the monster spawner activates. It reports 1 monster alive at the demo's end, which had just spawned.

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Anima, your demo is faster than in-wad demo2 (if you did not see it)

Why you do not want to estimate all maps in the corresponding topic?

BTW http://prboom-plus.sourceforge.net/freak4.zip was reuploaded yesterday with fixed versions of MAP01 and MAP02 (HOMs on software - bug of Oblige) and the newest version of map06 which is my favorite after Eternal's levels 7 and 8

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Map06 is one of the weirdest and most confusing maps I've played in a while. Glad to see the archvile maze got scrapped :P

Map08... That midi is almost like an official slaughter map soundtrack now, bringing back some OW11 memories. Lots of fun BFG action and not nearly as straightforward as H225. I've played it dozens of times and I could still play it some more.

Attached 9:54 UV Max


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Anima Zero said:
Time for my map 8 UV-Max comes to 14:53.

Fun stuff, and neat part there with the Cyberdemons near the red door and the yellow key. The first one goes into the red doors after you, and then one kind of corners you for a bit, after which for a second it stands stomping beside you, yet does not shoot...

entryway said:
9.54? TAS?

The shock! Sounds like those guys that go "cheater!" on ZDaemon when they get their asses seriously fragged. Given his HR2 Map25 and such, though, arming Mr Belial with a BFG, enough Rockets, and a good deal of Cells generally spells buckets of monster juice splattered all over the place in less time one needs to have a warm cup of coffee. This level pretty much asks for that sort of thing. Looking forward to the demo.

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Only Grazza or Opulent can do that, AFAIK. Grazza is out of town. BTW, Andrey, how is Nikolay's MM TAS movie coming along? Last version I saw ended on map 23.

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Kristian Ronge said:

Only Grazza or Opulent can do that, AFAIK. Grazza is out of town.

I saw Opulent here 5 minutes ago, but without effect :(

BTW, Andrey, how is Nikolay's MM TAS movie coming along? Last version I saw ended on map 23.

Heh, do you read russian forum?? He is still on the same level, because he has a lot of another interesting work: testing of levels from the tuning contest and first episode of Remain project by Eternal - Remain I. Also, his routes on levels 21 and 22 (with helping of your mm22-451) are wrong and these levels will be rerecorded. In any case, if you know some cool tricks on the following levels - let us know.

P.S. You are real Sherlock Holmes

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entryway said:
Heh, do you read russian forum??

I know about 5 Russian words, so ... no. :-)
I found the discussion thread by coincidence via a Google cache, translated it using Babelfish, managed to decipher enough to understand what it was about, and downloaded the run(s). As you may know, MM is my favourite WAD of all time, so I love to watch any run on it, especially such a fine TAS run. :-)))

Also, his routes on levels 21 and 22 (with helping of your mm22-451) are wrong and these levels will be rerecorded. In any case, if you know some cool tricks on the following levels - let us know.

Hm, yes, I noticed he used my rocket jump on map 21... is the rest of the route not the optimal one? Seems that way to me, but I'm probably missing something. The map 22 route of course doesn't use the switch trick at the start, and for some reason he didn't use the teleporter to the blue key door at the end. Other than that, I think that one looks okay, too.

Other tricks: Suicide exit on map 23 (of course). Possible RJ on map 24 (from sector 86 to sector 81), needs to be done off a flying monster, so it may prove too slow. An AV jump could also be possible, and would probably be quicker. Suicide exit on map 25 (of course). On map 27, I thought about an AV jump from sector 269 to 283, then you can just cross linedef 925, and run back to the exit. The jump is very high (128 units), but could be done with a double AV jump (and there are two Arch-Viles close by). I'll look a bit for other shortcut ideas. :-)

P.S. You are real Sherlock Holmes

Guilty as charged. ;-)

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Kristian Ronge said:

Hm, yes, I noticed he used my rocket jump on map 21... is the rest of the route not the optimal one?

Blue key is not necessary on map21. After RJ and raise you can jump into the window with ssg and go for the yellow key

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Belial said:
The demo

Quite violent! What stands out is the amount of damage you take (that Rocket grazed your ear when you were at 4%, heh), due to optimizing agressiveness because of the abundance of Megaspheres and whatnot. I bet you could take it down further, even, but with all those close calls the death rate in improving attempts would seemingly be substantial.

It's a good blastfest level, though the texturing is a bit fugly.

PS: Dudes... TAS IWAD movie discussion = a separate thread?

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myk said:

Quite violent! What stands out is the amount of damage you take (that Rocket grazed your ear when you were at 4%, heh)

There are two moments in demo where Belial has 4% of health. Really agressive demo. Some times I thought that Belial has magic resistance against devil fire of archviles.

I think cacos could be killed more quickly

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My evaluations of the Freak Map Competition 4 entries in the Tuning Contest thread will have to wait until I play and beat all of them, but in the meantime, here are UV speed demos for the first four maps, one of which contains a really embarrassing mistake. However, it's the fastest one I've managed for that level. Sigh...

FRK4-TGH - Freak Map Competition 4 (FREAK4.WAD) UV speed demos, including:

  • F401-029 - MAP01 by OBLIGE v0.94 in 00:29
  • F402-055 - MAP02 by Far in 00:55
  • F403-237 - MAP03 by daimonreloaded in 02:37
  • F404-002 - MAP04: Blood Magic by Eternal in 00:02
I found the MM TAS that Ronge was talking about, and it's looking damn fine to me so far. I should've known you could use the gray border in MAP04 that way. I knew that yellow keycard shortcut on MAP07 could be done in ZDoom with the use of a rocket jump, but I didn't think you could lure the Arch-Vile all the way into that room and do an Arch-Vile jump up there. I'm also fond of Heretic blocking the MAP13 exit barrier by shoving a chaingunner underneath with blast damage. I look forward to seeing the whole thing when it's done; it looks like it's going to be more than two times faster than the Compet-N UV run! Makes me wonder how fast he'll beat MAP28... ;)

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Andrey: Oh, okay, I see... is it faster, though? (you have to run through a number of rooms there to get to the Caco room) If you say so, I believe it.

I have a great route for map 28:
Run directly to sector 95, and make an AV jump through the window to get the blue key... there's an Arch-Vile in sector 50, for example, which could easily be made to follow you -- or better yet, maybe the Arch-Vile in sector 187 could give you some help. It's right there anyway! It's important that you land on the box with the blue key so you can jump back out of the window. Then run to sector 218, and make another AV jump (again, using one of the two Arch-Viles) to sector 213. Run the "usual route" through to sector 402, then the "usual route" back to get the yellow key. Finally, just run to the yellow key door and make a 32-unit glide through the bars. All in all, I did this (with noclip and nomo) in less than 1:30. The only problem as I see it is that you need enough health for two AV jumps.

Miguel: Since when is MM an IWAD? ;-P

Eric: Xit displayed the map 7 AV jump in this fairly recent speedrun.

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I downloaded the modified freak4 zip from Andrey's site and it is asking for a password to open the zip.

Did I mess something up? Is my program messing something up?

I DL'ed it three times and each time it asked for a password to open the zip. Should I try and get it somewhere else?

Anyone else having trouble? Makes me feel pretty stupid. I would love to see these demos.


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Searcher said:

I downloaded the modified freak4 zip from Andrey's site and it is asking for a password to open the zip

It is not true. There is no password there

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Searcher said:

I downloaded the modified freak4 zip from Andrey's site and it is asking for a password to open the zip.

Did I mess something up? Is my program messing something up?

I DL'ed it three times and each time it asked for a password to open the zip. Should I try and get it somewhere else?

I just tried again, and it's working fine for me (no password needed), but just in case, I've uploaded the unpacked WAD file for you here.

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Andrey, it must be something with my system then. Thanks. I have never had that issue before.

Schneelocke Thanks, I do appreciate it but I am on dial up at home and sadly don't have the 45 or so minutes to grab it right now. I may try a download onto a different computer at work then I can burn it onto a cd and bring it to this system then.

I do appreciate the help and feedback.

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Kristian Ronge said:
Miguel: Since when is MM an IWAD? ;-P

Oh...? Then what was that email asking for my credit card info after I downloaded it?!

In any case, as you know, the purpose of this thread is exchanging occasional demos of various wads that don't warrant a separate thread. The more unrelated stuff we clutter in here the harder it gets to refer to both the demos and whatever other comments get included.

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True, true. Sorry for bringing it up in this thread. Let's hope some friendly moderator places the posts pertaining to the MM TAS movie in a separate thread. :-)

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entryway said:

I think cacos could be killed more quickly

The last few of them can be skipped too, plenty of chances for killing them later on.


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Belial, I really don't wish to meet you holding BFG somewhere in the park after midnight.:-)
Excellent demos, both of them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a UV speed demo for HacX MAP05 that beats Grazza's previous record on the level by six seconds. ;) I recorded this with the files-only package's executable, so you'll need to use HACX_F.DEH to see it.

HX05-023 - HacX MAP05: Cyber Circus by Iikka Keränen and John Herndon in 00:23 (UV speed)

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Ryback said:

Just a question for the demo collectors here. I have this vague idea that someone, possibly Never_Again, may have recorded a demopack for Wadpak2, although it's not on my HD and I don't see it at SDA. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I did record a -fast UV demopack for WADPAK2 two years ago, together with Bruno Vergilio who did the regular UV runs for most of the maps. Here is the thread that started the project. And of course I must thank Ryback for the inspiration his WADPAK1A collection provided in that effort. The second volume in the WADPAK series is overall better quality than the first (a few duds notwithstanding - see the TXT file) and includes such classics like 777.WAD and SCREAM.WAD. I did NM! demos for those two, as a little bonus.

The demopack is in \incoming\sda now. Wonder where Searcher got his copy, I think I only emailed it to a couple of friends.

I have done a few other demos since. These are intended to complement Maikl's methodical runs through the WADs off his old DOOM CD-ROMs, but from the other end of the alphabet, to avoid making dupes (not that there is anything wrong with that :).

ZEUS: a -fast max demo for this lost, probably unfinished level from July '94. Not on the idgames archives, even though I tried submitting it last summer. It ended up in /oldstuff for some reason, so grab it from my Rare WADs page. Cool quasi-gothic textures in there, for a nice (if a bit weird) DOOM experience.

ZARNEK: another long-lost WAD from '94 (May), this one may never get into the official archives as no TXT came with it, thus the author is unknown (get the level from my page). The interesting things about it are an early example of the use of a voodoo doll and the Reject Overflow (REJECT == 0). The original four-minute max run I recorded on it goes completely out of sync by the 0:20 mark, so use the fixed Reject version I included along with the demo.

YOUNG1: this one is so good it is hard to believe it is also from May '94. Do yourself a favor and play it yourself before watching the demos. Simple and beautiful, pretty much everything I expect from a DOOM level. A true classic, albeit another case of Reject Overflow (the Reject Map being too short). Once again you'll have to load the fixed version ( included with the demos) to watch any of the three demos (UV max, UV -fast max and NM!).

A -fast max demo for this fine yet forgotten WAD with a cool story (à la Dr. Sleep) in the TXT file. Play back with the author's DEH patch and custom sprites and sounds for the best effect.

And I leave the best for last. For many years I thought a certain old favorite of mine was impossible on Nightmare! ... until two weeks ago. When I finally did it and the last reverberations of my savage triumphant yell died in the remote corners of the house, I thought: this is it, Never, you can retire from DOOM with a clear conscience now.

Half an hour later I said "fsck retirement" and did the YOUNG1 set. There are still a few hundred old-skool WADs to wade through now that Maikl is on a hiatus, and then there is the TNT max run I've been toying around with for years. Nevertheless, watching my player's health plummet (signifying a successful finish) at the end of that impossible level gave me a sense of accomplishment that surpassed even the one at the end of the GM max run on HEROES E4M9 ... I still haven't uploaded the demo, as I can't quite bring myself to write the TXT for it (it's almost like making a will, hehe). Anyone can guess the WAD name in the meantime? =) I'm sure Opulent would know exactly what WAD I am talking about, as he said "Now I know why he is called Never_Again" after he saw the UV max run I did for it seven years ago ...

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Never_Again said:

Anyone can guess the WAD name in the meantime? =)

I presume from the description that it is !pipe!. But how the hell...? This one will be worth seeing.

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