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Miscellaneous demos (part 1) [please post in part 3 instead]

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All right, I've got some more new demos for you all, which I recorded on four wads. Three are Doom II wads with silly names, although only one is decent in any way, while the other is a level that was already demoed on the DSDA. My demo for that last one is an epic improvement over the current max record and should definitely be worth watching, although I recommend you watch the other demos first before watching mine. ;) Anyway, check them out!

IROQ-TGH.ZIP - Speed demos for Home is Where the Heart Bursts (IROQUOIS.WAD) by Aaron Veenstra

  • IROQ-012 - UV speed in 0:12
  • IROQn012 - NM speed in 0:12
ZORY-TGH.ZIP - UV demos for Sorry for the time you're about to lose playing this wad! (ZORRY.WAD) by Elroy Blom
  • ZORY-110 - UV speed in 1:10
  • ZORY-245 - UV max in 2:45
CORR-228.ZIP - UV max on Corridors from Hell (CORRIDOR.WAD) by Michael Toliver in 2:28

EDIT (12/20/2008 10:34 PM PST): Updated the text file for NDUK-804.LMP to explain why the stat screen shows 0% Secrets at the end, which I forgot to do earlier.

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Maybe megawad demos should have their own individual threads, instead of piled randomly in the 'miscellaneous demos' thread, so they're easier to find. Or not.

I remember playing squares from commercial maximum doom.

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Sorry Grazza for mislabeling two demos as Plutonia 2. It was a joke, but hopefully it doesn't make it confusing when moving posts to a dif thread.

And gggmork, squares reminded me of a ggg map (but easier :).

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heh, figures he did a better time. Thanks for the info and for reposting the demo. That post didn't turn up when I searched the forum for 1squares (maybe cuz I didn't search 1squares.wad?). But I remember that period of time when Belial was going through slaughtermaps. Anyway, cool route. :)

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I've gone through my Doom folders and I hope I've managed to pick out all the demos that were on my sites. I've given all the stuff that wasn't in the DSDA to Andy.

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Entertaining squares competition. The 4:41 desynced the first time for me, then played fine after I specified complevel 2, but I'm retarded so probably my fault somehow.

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Well darn you to heck, Belly. :)
I'll try out your new route later tonight after the hockey game, just to try to get a bit closer to your time. :(

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Thanks for the batch file/console key binding help, TimeOfDeath.
dib28a.wad (drown in blood, infinite ammo wad intended for coop), map 3, single player uvmax in 1 life.
zdoom 2.2.0 demo
Tally screen said 33% kills but zdoom automap says 100% and I think the time was 16ish (didn't say on tally), a hell of a lot slower than 5:54, but my goal was 1 life which apparently means no bfg. And I don't jump or use mouselook like usual.

dib28a zip is here:


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my non mouse using ass pretty much can't compete with you doomgods, but here's a crappy 448. My strategy to deal w/ arachs (leave dormant, sneak past) and pinkeys (plow through w rockets cuz you'll just get a megasphere later anyway) might be a faster route if you guys used it, not sure.


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Cool strategies. They do look like they'd be faster. The spider walk-around is easier in nightmare. I used some of your strats and Belial's in these demos:

1squares -fast in 4:55
1squares uv-speed in 1:00
1squares nm 100% secrets in 1:20


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The Green Herring said:
Here's a new max demo I recorded on an obscure, fast-paced level, which I played on at myk's request, an hour ago. Enjoy!

Nice! (Lots of rocket pain, heh). In the TXT you say the SSG does more damage to the cyb. It's true per shot, though not overall due to fire rate. The rockets inflict over 9000 hit points per minute, the SSG only more than 7000. It just that the rockets are best used elsewhere, unless there's a surplus. You did have a dozen rockets at the end, so I guess using some against the cyb could get the time down by a couple more seconds.

kimo_xvirus said:
I've been recording demos for dmonfear.wad in the last 6 days
You can download the demos & the wad here from DSDA

I was watching these. Good runs. One thing, though; levels 16-29 and 31-32 were recorded without Doom compatibility. Those are PrBoom demos.

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myk said:

Nice! (Lots of rocket pain, heh). In the TXT you say the SSG does more damage to the cyb. It's true per shot, though not overall due to fire rate. The rockets inflict over 9000 hit points per minute, the SSG only more than 7000. It just that the rockets are best used elsewhere, unless there's a surplus. You did have a dozen rockets at the end, so I guess using some against the cyb could get the time down by a couple more seconds.

Yesterday, after watching TGH's roke max, I made this wad to test the difference. Like myk said, the rockets killed the cyber a bit quicker compared to standing right up against him with the ssg.

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TimeOfDeath, Thanks! Great run on a fun map. What a kick in the pants.

I really enjoyed that author's work. I guess life gets in the way sometimes.

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