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Idea-type thingy

Kid Airbag

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I was just thinking, wouldn't it be cool to have dead marines in RAD suits in levels with lots of nukeage? Or ones wearing them hanging on the wall or impaled on sticks? Just a random thought, flame me if you hate it that much.

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Hmm. It's an OK idea, I suppose. Draw some sprites.

That's directed at ME???

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Ummm..... What are you saying?

A. That an idea of yours could be OK is laughable?


B. That the idea of you drawing sprites is laughable?

And yes. It was directed at you. Has anyone else posted on this thread yet????

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Well, that was sort of rhetorical question, but anyway...

I was laughing at the fact that you wanted me to draw sprites. I can draw a stick figure, that's about the limit of my artistic ability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

good idea for a stand-alone project, but as there is no similar item in the DooM IWAD it wouldn't work well with other levels. which kind of goes against the entire idea.

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I wouldn't add new sprites till the originals are fully replaced - try and keep focused here :)

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