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The Demon

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Ok. This is what I call the monsters.

Shotgun Guy:Shotgun
Demon/Spectre:Fucker/Clear fucker.
Baron of Hell:Fuck
Hell knight:Barg!
Revenant:/Me runs
Archvile:My bitch
Mancubus:Jamie Bashford (A fat kid in my town)
Pain Elemental:Shit head!
Head on a stick:Head on a stick
SS Guy:Nazi cocksucking bitch motha fucko.
Doomguy:Ryan Storms

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I call it "that thing". Ocaisionally, if I'm feeling specially descriptive, I'll call it "that pink thing"

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What? No BullDog Demon?!?!

first point to me a demon that looks like a bulldog that is in Doom, Bull Demon makes sense 'cuz of the horns and pig demon makes sense 'cuz that what it sounds like...I think the name Bulldog Demon is an outrage

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What? No BullDog Demon?!?!

For once I have to agree with him.... that's scary. Bulldog Demon all the way! Why? 'Cause that's what most of the instruction books call it, and it's pretty fitting. Fanged beasties!

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Ok. This is what I call the monsters.



Its better to be one than HAVE one.

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I call it:
Bubblegum monster
Shaven gorilla

You know what happens to gum when you swallow it? It goes to hell, and when you die, it comes back to chew on YOU

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Ok. This is what I call the monsters.



i second that, although i created a really hard final boss for uacress. (note: check out the uac resurrection beta tester thread in the general forum to enjoy pure ddf bliss). two bfg marines (especially the beta bfg marines at close range) are miniture nightmares if you don't kill them quick enough. being cornered by chainsaw marines are also a pain in the ass if your ammo is running out.

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