KING_XTREME Posted September 2, 2001 That's right, I'm no newbie. Some of you long long LONG term veterans may remember Clone999? But I'm not going to waste my post on introductions. I have a question for you guys. Do you think they will bring back the Icon Of Sin in Doom 3? 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted September 2, 2001 That's right, I'm no newbie. Some of you long long LONG term veterans may remember... Huh.......Looks like I have some catching up to do......(see if you can't figure out what I mean.) About the Icon of Sin, I've had this weird dream that I was in the level. And I've also thought about maybe making it a regular enemy. There's one WAD I've played where the end of every levle had a Romero Head that you had to kill. It got kind of annoying after the first 6 levels. 0 Share this post Link to post
KING_XTREME Posted September 2, 2001 Hmmm....What was the wad's name? It sounds interesting. Also, I had a thought a few months ago that maybe the final boss should be in a room with SIX Icon Of Sins, but I immediatly dismissed the idea, because it would probably be too difficult even for experts. I mean, after a few minuts you'd be up to your ARMPITS in demons. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted September 2, 2001 It would also be hella gay. ID needs to give us an original boss (even if it's an easy idea like satan himself I would be happy). 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 2, 2001 No Icon of Sin. I dunno what should the end boss be...but I'm pretty sure it's gotta be deeply linked to the enviroment throught heavy scripting. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted September 2, 2001 I'm pretty sure it's gotta be deeply linked to the enviroment throught heavy scripting. Is that all you ever think about? 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted September 3, 2001 Do you think they will bring back the Icon Of Sin in Doom 3? it better damn well not be... 0 Share this post Link to post
help420me Posted September 3, 2001 The Icon of Sin was supposed to represent Satan, from which every thought can only be evil and which every thought tried to frag us!!. Deeply seated inside of Sin's mind was...Romero. With DooM]|[, there is no Romero, only maybe the REAL "mastermind" behinf DooM was Carmack... A good idea[at least I think so...] would be to have some huge friggin' Cyber-Demon/BOH whose mind exudes hellspawn. You would have to destroy this Icon of Sin while avoiding/killing his "thoughts". Of course this would prove difficult IF id would improve on AI... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted September 4, 2001 Icon of Sin is actually one of my all-time favorite levels, despite its horrible design. I used to play with IDDQD while running around, fragging demons. Thats how I honed my tecniques for Doom and other old FPSs. I even had some twisted games on that level like 'Lord of the Underworld' and 'Every Demon for Himself'. Don't Ask. Anyway, I think a new boss for D3 would be best. There really hasn't been any truly fun bosses in FPSs since...ever. The Tentacles from Half-Life were pretty damn fun, but they weren't exactly bosses. 0 Share this post Link to post
Windowpain Posted September 13, 2001 clone999? No way man! welcome back! 0 Share this post Link to post
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