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Woah.. someone who actually gave the console ports a very fair shake in a poll...
/me applauds

Doom 64 all the freakin way!

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Woah.. someone who actually gave the console ports a very fair shake in a poll...
/me applauds

Doom 64 all the freakin way!

/me beats Lost Soul over the head with a copy of "Moby Dick".

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/me pulls out my Deluxe Edition of Webster's Dictionary
and bashes Lost Soul in the head with it

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To be one of the few on topic, 32x DOOM is dear to me, being the only console port I have left (read: my bastard father sold the PSX port. *Growls*), and is the fastest in my experience (SNES made me sick... creep, creep, creep.. choppiness). Yes, less textures, cut levels, pretty weak ending, but I still like it ^_^. I bought it new, with a 32x, when they were clearencing them out for $30 a unit, $10-$20 a game. Aside from Chaotix, my favorite 32x game....

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Heh, Doom32X was my main game. In fact, it's the only game I have for 32X at all, and the whole reason I bought the 32X in the first place. I played the PC one the first time, but it had been so long that I couldn't tell a single difference between the 32X and PC version, until we got a PC and I got the full Doom after a year of playing the 32X version only.

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Yeah, I bought the 32x mostly because of DOOM..... that and Virtua Racing. I still love those low-poly cars! Ah, nostalgia.... for me anyway. 32x DOOM does have fewer textures, like the wall tile for the nuke watse in the first level wasn't animated. But as far as I know (from SNES, PSX Final DOOM, 32x), one thing most share are the single set of animations for the monsters. They can only face towards you. Erk..... otherwise, most are really good ports I think. Except SNES DOOM. I can't stand it X_x

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/me slowly wakes up with a helluva headache..
OW!!.... Geez.. it wasn't THAT bad of a game.. better then the 32x.. ugh...
/me puts ice on my head

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  • 2 weeks later...

SNES Doom?!?!
/me remembers
/me pukes
Oh, what a TERRIBLE port of a great game.
Awful graphics, choppy/slow gameplay, horrible sounds, among other things, such as the demons only face one way-yours, explosions won't splatter zombies or Imps, and some of the textures are not there. Plus, the ending sucked big-time.
/me pukes again

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