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Anyone remember this demo/wad?

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Just wondering if anyone can help here... I recall a demo by Maikl on a map that had a lying-down cybderdemon graphic of some sort.

I've spent a while looking through his demos, but can't locate it. Does anyone remember which one it was? The demo is probably from about a year or so ago.

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I've probably watched all his demos, but don't recall that outright. What else happened in the demo? Was this cyb graphic a wall patch/texture?

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I don't have a clear enough recollection of it to say. Maybe I'll just have to rewatch lots of Maikl's demos...

Edit: Found it (by searching the text-files - good old pkunzip). The answer was "Cheese"! Poor cybie's in a coffin. Lots of cool stuff in that map, including a MacDoom area, before it had become clichéd (the wad is from September 1994).

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Is that the one with the words on the ground and the coffins in the exit room with several cybers?
a good viewing, if so. :)

ps. glad you found it, he's got a lot of demos to hunt through...

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Haha, amusing map... something about that new wad charm that makes me smile. Maybe it's those little messages to guide the player or plug a wad site, gameplay that makes no sense but still keeps me entertained... and the inclusion of a McDonalds for who knows what reason.

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Yeah, they don't make 'em like that any more.

Wads that have weird random stuff in them can have a certain charm, especially if it all seems a bit surreal. (Surreal2, Skyewood, and some of Bob Reganess's maps spring to mind.)

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