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My wife was walking by, & I asked her what she thought the DW logo looks like. She leaned over, looked for moment, & stated, "a guy w/ a giant penis." LOL

Now I feel insecure.

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The one on the main page changes every time you refresh/reload it, but if you say that this one we're seeing right now is causing so much...commotion, just wait until Ling gets the new design up and running. Jeez...

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For the last time, it's a silhouette of the Doomguy holding a Shotgun!!

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I Told You Guys This Logo Looks Gross, however maonth thinks it is a decent logo for DW :D

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Actually I like the first logo used in DW from the redesign logo contest. It rocks. Does anyone still remember how it looks like?

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Could also be in a dude turning on a staircase who just got pounded in the toolshed by a 2x4.

Could also be a guy trying to hit a home run.

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It's all those and more! I know it -is- the DOOMGuy with a shotgun, but he could also be a guy vacuuming the inside of a fishbowl he's trapped in..... he's Mr Clean gone -ballistic- I guess.....

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Looks to me like a guy wrestling with a giant snake that's latched on to his average penis.

But I have been known to make a mistake, from time to time.


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Well, if your girlfriend/wife are commenting on the Doomguy's huge shlong, just assure them that a big penis is a positive side effect of playing Doom! ;)

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since when? ive been playing doom for ever but i havnt noticed anything accept the axcesive pubic hair.

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since when? ive been playing doom for ever but i havnt noticed anything accept the axcesive pubic hair.

Bah! You probly dont even have chest hair biotch!

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dude. i wouldn't wanna put you through that anguish. to get a picture, you'd probably need a microscopic lens super powered. the radiation from the unit itself (we're talking super powerful microscope) would probably kill you.

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stated, "a guy w/ a giant penis."Now I feel insecure.

Actually my gf said it looks like my penis. Whatever that means. Now i know how i size up against the doom marine. Course now some questions come to mind. Could his penis be so big becasue he is single, all alone witout any women around? Or maybe imps do weird things to the male reproductive organ and blah blah yeah you've herd this all before

now where was i going with this in the first place?

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Or maybe imps do weird things to the male reproductive organ

What the hell are you saying here???

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That guy must be tough then. When I hear gunfire my shit HIDES. My balls shake hands with my tonsils. My cock gets all Batmobile an shit. VRUUCLANK!

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Well, if your girlfriend/wife are commenting on the Doomguy's huge shlong, just assure them that a big penis is a positive side effect of playing Doom! ;)


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