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we need ddf people

Naked Snake

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Relapse friggin' needs DDF people since deathwarrior left. We really need help. We also need a webmaster. Since the site is down right now contact the project leader Ryan Hart at Diptera_Necro@yahoo.com or DipteraNecroHart on AIM.

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i said to darkstorm so many bloody times that i'll be the webmaster. are you dumb or something?

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i said to darkstorm so many bloody times that i'll be the webmaster. are you dumb or something?

No. But Ryan never said anything to me about having a replacement webmaster.

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WTF is ddf?

DDF is an EDGE language that lets you change all the monster behaviour etc. Basically like Dehacked but 1000 times more powerful.

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Thats right, but we need people to do this, Relapse has been around and I think it would be a waste to see such a great looking TC go down the crapper just cause we cant find a few DDFers.

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Wow, you people are less organized than I am.

Hell, they're less organized than my D:\ folder.

/Me ha><0rz zaldron, looks at his D:\ folder... :P
Holy shit!
/Me shoots myself

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Wow, you people are less organized than I am.

Hell, they're less organized than my D:\ folder.

That's impossible - nothing can be less organized than that.

They are, however, less organized than Hellstorm.

BBG: Learn DDF your own damnself.

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Goddamnit, slicing a fucking cucumber is more difficult than scripting DDF :)

Really, you should be able to do them DDFs yourself.

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Harder than slicing a cucumber... umm, i dunno if i can handle THAT. I'd learn that shit and help you out if i had the time, but unfortunately; I don't :\

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Shut the fuck up shit fucks !

Have you ever in your tiny peabrains considered that maybe the reason they need a ddf guy is because they already do everything else like graphics and such!

Don't kill ppl just because of your god damn ignorance. Go fuck your fat mammas !!!!!
people like YOU piss ME off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow, you people are less organized than I am.

Hell, they're less organized than my D:\ folder.

d:\ is a drive, not a folder. :P

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Have you ever in your tiny peabrains considered that maybe the reason they need a ddf guy is because they already do everything else like graphics and such!

Yes I did thought of that you assmunch. But doing the DDFs isn't that time consuming.

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Then maybe none of them like to do ddf. If you were a graphics guy you wouldn't wanna do the sounds now would you ?

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Guest Fanatic


D: is a drive

D:\ is a folder

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