læmænt Posted September 6, 2001 I went to school for the first time today (well, first time this year). It sucks. But at least it'll keep me busy and I won't be posting much here. During summer, I went from like 200 posts to 700, which i guess makes me look a bit like BBG. Well, that won't happen till next summer, so rejoice, mortals. On a totally unrelated note, tomorrow is my birthday, on which I got (today) a TI-86 calculator. It's damn cool. I gonna learn assembly (well, I know it already, but I'm gonna get better :) On another unrelated note, remember that online game I made a post about? Well, it got a domain name, http://anation.net/ It's getting better now (but slowly). Oh, and we need world builders, if anyone's interested. Eeh... How can I make this doom related?.. Oh, right: fuck you all. That'll do. 0 Share this post Link to post
DiSTuRBeD Posted September 6, 2001 On a totally unrelated note, tomorrow is my birthday, on which I got (today) a TI-86 calculator. It's damn cool. I gonna learn assembly (well, I know it already, but I'm gonna get better :) Damn, i had a TI-83.. I flunked maths two years in a row because i got hooked on programming games on it, so beware :) If i had it now, i'd probably be porting doom or something ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted September 7, 2001 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FUCKSPLASH, I HOPE YOU GOT A GRAPHICS CAPABLE MONITOR FOR YOUR GREAT SUCCESS AT BREATHING. Um yeah. W00T and all that. 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted September 7, 2001 If i had it now, i'd probably be porting doom or something ;)doom has been ported to most ti calcs. check out http://ticalc.org for more info. but they were made in basic, except daedelus for the ti-85 and cdoom (which is really buggy) for the ti-86. so meh i guess, meh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted September 7, 2001 My b-day was on Tuesday, I got a cell phone. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted September 7, 2001 It was my b-day over the summer. Barg. I got a bunch of CDs and a few movies and some DC games. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 7, 2001 If i had it now, i'd probably be porting doom or something ;)doom has been ported to most ti calcs. check out http://ticalc.org for more info. but they were made in basic, except daedelus for the ti-85 and cdoom (which is really buggy) for the ti-86. so meh i guess, meh. I'm sorry, Doom in basic is an oximoron. There's ablsolutely no chance to write ANY good program on TI Basic. I haven't seen cdoom, but I've seen a Wolfenstein-like raytracing engine, doing a pretty good job. Blah; doom is not the only thing one can [try to] make ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted September 8, 2001 Ahh, last year when I first started out with TI calculators I learned those things inside and out, was acing the tests by programming all of Siberia on them, playing games like hell, and putting on, among other things, any DOOM port I could find. For the most part the best one of them was mildly entertaining. I even put email programs, word processors, and operating systems on my TI 83+, it turned into a fucking Palm Pilot. Then, because of all the archiving and unarchiving of variables and data, the memory chip burned out and the calculator broke. The most renowned program I wrote was this cute little one I named "DOOMWRLD" and when it was run it would display explecitives whenever the user tried to do a calculation. HEH 0 Share this post Link to post
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