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FUCKING SHIT!!!!!! WTF IS A RESET FIELDS BUTTON DOING THERE WITHOUT A UNRESET FIELDS BUTTON??? HUH?? ANSWER ME THAT!!! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!! So here it goes for a second time: 75 OF YOU DOWNLOAD THE WAD AND ONLY ONE OF YOU REPLIES WITH AN UPDATE!!!?? PLEASE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF PETE SEND ME SOMETHING!! Err... ahem. Umm... yeah, I'd like to finish up this add on wad thing, so I was wondering if you all that downloaded it could finish up with the add ons and send me what you got. And if you could FUCKING HURRY UP WITH IT!!! -ahem- that'd be great, thanks.

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This sounds identical to Chris Hansen's L.I.N.K. project, which he recently scrapped due to lack of participation.

Hopefully this won't go the same way...

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Good idea.
Except I don't like the fact that *1* person decides which entry is the best and that *1* person places monsters at the end: that does not sound like a community work to me.
My $0.02 tho

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I agree with you Julien. I was trying to think of a good alternative. I was thinking of having that be done by the community as well and then resubmitted for choosing of the best one. To do it that way with the key placements and key doors was my original thought as well. I decided not to because it would be too much labor on the parts of the community only to have your submission not used, but maybe this is better. I'd actually prefer doing it this way to see all the different ways people do it. Actually, someone had recommended to me I not do it that way so that's the reason I did it the way I did. Please give me your feedback, thanks.

Also, if you need the wad, please don't hesitate to email me. Also, I'm on AIM a lot, Chesterules is my screen name (with one r) and you can get the wad that way as well. I was aware that only the Texas link worked yesterday but now it seems none of them do. I'm not sure what is going on. I will try to come up with an alternative way to download the wad other than requesting it via email or AIM.

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It would make more sense if anyone could add a monster to their room. A limit on how many and what type perhaps?

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I was thikning of that as well, but I was concerned about how the balance of monsters would be at the end of the level. But perhaps I will change it to be done that way if others feel this would be better.

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