Kid Airbag Posted September 23, 2001 However.... Bush is definately getting more popular cuz of this shit... before this happened, he wasn't liked by too many peeps and da economy was gettin worse.... NOW BUSH IS LOVED, AND WIT A WAR LOOMING, DA ECONOMY WILL DEFINATELY IMPROVE!!!! IF WE HAD DONE WHAT WE SHOULD HAVE AND NOT LET ASSHOLES LIKE THESE GET AWAY WIT EVEN A SINGLE MURDER, DIS SHIT PROBABLY WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED!!! Conspiracy goin on.... it's possible! The USA ruled and governed by incompetent fuckin' fools who care only about what will make them look best and give them da most loot... DEFINATELY!!! I am almost completely sure the U.S. would not pull something like this just to improve the economy. I'm sure there are other ways of doing that that don't involve the deaths of over 6,000 of our own people. The reason I am beginning to like Bush a lot more is because, well, I don't really have much of a choice. He's our president, whether we like it or not, and we've gotta prove that we really are being united by this by supporting him. Plus, Clinton/Gore were trying to ween money AWAY from the military, while Bush was much more interesting in funding it. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted September 23, 2001 ! Why is it dat only one plane fought back! Why didn't da passengers on da other 3 planes fight back when they realized they wuz gonna die if they didn't!? They should have at least tried to save their own asses!! WTF!!!! >:[ Plus... they SAY dat the terrorists only had razors... a BUNCH of passengers, and not ONE had da balls to disarm a guy wit a simple RAZOR!!!! NOW SOMETHING DEFINATELY AIN'T RIGHT!!! that's EXACTLY what i was thinking. Even if they had the blade to me, had i known what would happen, i'd have just tried to jump the fuckers, slit throat or not. Maybe it's different to experience the situation tho... 0 Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted September 24, 2001 Thanks for Urhash's information 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 24, 2001 A person trained in melee combat can easily dispatch 80 guys in such a narrow hallway like the one in a plane. :\ It's fairly obvious that some fight occured on the planes, specially in the Pensylvannia one. But still, it's not as easy as it seems... 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted September 24, 2001 Hey Esco, It's great that oyu're so passionate about this all, but the taliban is not the U.S.'s fight. Secondly, they may not be as bad as we're all told. We don't really know where all media comes from. Just remember, media is THE absolute BEST resource to use to bend, twist, and on occasion, destroy the truth. For instance, bin Laden is an intelligent man, but he is not mad. Almost all papers show him to be the madman, except for one that I've seen so far, Canada's "Globe and Mail". However, "The Globe and Mail" was more damning than most, because of the way they write articles (It's an intellectual's newspaper, unfortunately). Anyways, we shall see what we shall see. But I think that we should remain objective to this all, as difficult (ha! in most cases near-impossible) as it is to do, because otherwise we may not be able to see the truth for ourselves, and that would be a horrible, horrible thing. If anyone watched CNN last night with that thing on BEHIND THE SCENES IN AFGANISZTAN and saw how the taliban treated their own people, I hope the U.S. bombs there asses back to the anus bar factory, seriously did you guys see that? FUCKIGN REAL SKINNED CIVILIANS fucking sick, sh00ting woman in public stadiums for teaching education? FUCK, if the U.S. goverment is all fighting for justice and shit like it says it is (no offense) they had better blow the fucking taliban to hell, than there would be no reason for ANYONE to hate you guys. (/me dodges flaming bottles) 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted September 24, 2001 Rejoice for we have defeated "this thread must die"!@#! w00h00! Fear this thread! 0 Share this post Link to post
CacodemonLeader Posted September 25, 2001 OH YEAH! This thread beat the "This Thread must Die" Thread, which formerly was known as the "Custom Titles" Thread. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 25, 2001 We have beaten "this thread must die" and we're happy about it?? 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted September 25, 2001 Wow, Doomers talk about this as much as they talk about the little words under their names on the forum. We care, or at least like to argue about any topic that comes to a head. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted September 25, 2001 It would have been nice if this thread never existed 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted September 25, 2001 It would be nice if there had been no reason for this thread to exist in the first place. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 25, 2001 It would have been nice if I had six million dollars...nevermind. 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted September 25, 2001 A german composer (Karlheinz Stockhausen is his name, a man who is really great in music) recently felt able to speak about the terrorist who flight the planes into the WTC. He compared them with the members of an orchestra: "Was da geschehen ist, ist - jetzt müssen Sie alle Ihr Gehirn umstellen - das größte Kunstwerk, das es je gegeben hat. Daß Geister in einem Akt etwas vollbringen, was wir in der Musik nicht träumen könnten, daß Leute zehn Jahre üben wie verrückt, total fanatisch für ein Konzert und dann sterben. Das ist das größte Kunstwerk, das es überhaupt gibt für den ganzen Kosmos. Stellen Sie sich das doch vor, was da passiert ist. Da sind also Leute, die sind so konzentriert auf eine Aufführung, und dann werden 5000 Leute in die Auferstehung gejagt, in einem Moment. Das könnte ich nicht. Dagegen sind wir gar nichts, als Komponisten. Stellen Sie sich vor, ich könnte jetzt ein Kunstwerk schaffen und Sie wären alle nicht nur erstaunt, sondern Sie würden auf der Stelle umfallen, Sie wären tot und würden wiedergeboren, weil es einfach zu wahnsinnig ist. Manche Künstler versuchen doch auch über die Grenze des überhaupt Denkbaren und Möglichen zu gehen, damit wir wach werden, damit wir uns für eine andere Welt öffnen." I translated it by myself, since the published translation cut most of the sense away (newspapers :/ "What has happened there is - now you have to switch your brain to a different mode - the biggest piece of art ever. That ghosts can do in one act something, that seemed undreamable to us..., that man could exercise for 10 years like crazy - total fanatically - for one concert and then die... That is the biggest piece of art everywhere in the whole cosmos. Just imagine what has happened there. So there are people being so concentrated about one concert and then 5000 people were rushed into the incarnation - in one moment! I would not be able to to this. Compared to this, we are nothing. As composers. Imagine I could, in this moment, fall to the side and die, you would die and reincarnate because it is simply too mad. Some artist also try to step over the border of that what is thinkable and possible, to make us wake up, so that we open ourselves for a different world." Of course he is in big troubles now. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 26, 2001 "What has happened there is - now you have to switch your brain to a different mode - the biggest piece of art ever. That ghosts can do in one act something, that seemed undreamable to us..., that man could exercise for 10 years like crazy - total fanatically - for one concert and then die... That is the biggest piece of art everywhere in the whole cosmos. Just imagine what has happened there. So there are people being so concentrated about one concert and then 5000 people were rushed into the incarnation - in one moment! I would not be able to to this. Compared to this, we are nothing. As composers. Imagine I could, in this moment, fall to the side and die, you would die and reincarnate because it is simply too mad. Some artist also try to step over the border of that what is thinkable and possible, to make us wake up, so that we open ourselves for a different world." Of course he is in big troubles now. BUt he's right! 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted September 26, 2001 It would have been nice if I had six million dollars...nevermind. Only 6? Lol! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted September 26, 2001 Of course he is in big troubles now.For what? 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 26, 2001 Of course he is in big troubles now.For what? For saying what many losers don't want to hear, obviously 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 26, 2001 That composer's brain decomposed. Get it? H4R H4R!!1 Anyway, he sounds like a major junkie. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 26, 2001 It would have been nice if I had six million dollars...nevermind. Only 6? Lol! I wish a had alot more than 6 million.... 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted September 27, 2001 Of course he is in big troubles now.For what? For saying what many losers don't want to hear, obviously For expecting that people are able to switch their brain in "a different mode" as he formulated. He said something he should have concidered shocking or at least irritating for simpler minds in TV. Something against the mainstream in thinking. That was a bit like suicide. I do not believe it was a cruel joke of him, more an expressing of what he felt without thinking about what would follow. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted September 27, 2001 I can understand the logic, but describing the horrific events orchestrated by the terrorists on that day as art seems to me to be endlessly distasteful. Any person who believes that people who condemn this artist for his remarks are merely simple minded should look into getting an actual human soul. You desperately need it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted September 28, 2001 I can understand the logic, but describing the horrific events orchestrated by the terrorists on that day as art seems to me to be endlessly distasteful. Any person who believes that people who condemn this artist for his remarks are merely simple minded should look into getting an actual human soul. You desperately need it. What he said maybe was distasteful but how he said it made clear that he did not want to make a disgusting joke about the tragedy. He said something unusual and disturbing and those views are not accepted in the public opinion. Composing music has to do with creation and destruction, birth and death, maybe this made him feeling able to do this statement. He did not spoke about the crime, the honourless act and the suffering of both the killed and their relatives. Of course I have a human soul (in the non-religious meaning) and can understand that many people dislike his words. 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted September 30, 2001 Different peeps view things different ways. Dat's all I'm gonna say about dis shit! 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted September 30, 2001 Well, I've had similar thoughts about it. I'm glad he said it since he did a good job of expressing that idea. Saying that doesn't make you inhuman or souless... one of the people who witnessed the buildings being hit - both of them - recording it with his video camera admitted that the paper flying everywhere around the buildings and as far out as 100 yards was beautiful-- but that doesn't mean he wasn't torn apart by it-- 'course he was... almost everyone is-- it's extremely hard not to be... even though I agree with what that artist said, doesn't mean I don't get weighed down by emotion when I see footage of it on tv and hear personal accounts of it on the news. Speaking of which, MSNBC did a little ditty called "24 hours at ground zero" showing amateur footage of it and the peoples' reactions as it unfolded. It hits you (me) with a bout of emotion without warning- and you're just blown away. This lady was filming it outside of a boutiqe about 12 blocks or so from the world trade center. Everyone inside the boutique was yelling to get inside and away from the windows - she finally heeded their advice and the cloud of dust from one of the collapsing towers went hurtling by the shop just as she retreeted from the sidewalk and into the shop; it was intense just to see it on the tv screen. Anyway, my point is, people who say those kind of comments, if you read carefully how they word it, you'll see that they are just as human as the rest of us. Yes, there are some that say it was cool and are unable feel the enormity of the tragedy and don't feel the emotional anguish which it instills in just about all of us. I have a friend who hasn't been moved by it at all... actually a few friends, but they seem to be the exception, not the rule. 0 Share this post Link to post
esco Posted October 2, 2001 Hold da fuck up.... WTF is dis shit I hear about da taliban havin' nukes.... can we say OH SHIT!!! ~:[ NOW WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! Can anyone confirm any of this info for me, cuz if dis be true... we are gonna DEFINATELY end up killing many innocent afghanistanians (whew, you guys try spellin dat shit!). WHY? Simple.. cuz we is gonna end up bombin da WHOLE country into da stone age, just to keep our asses safe. Personally... if this is what it comes to, it simply becomes us or them... in dat case, BOMB THEM FUCKS TO HELL!!! I feel bad for all of them innocent peeps in afghani... whateva, but if it comes between us or them.... as far as I'm concerned... it's not even a decision for me. Any thoughts, ya'll? I know dis be some fucked up shit, so I sure as fuck hope they ain't got nukes... or a LOT of innocent peeps will surely die!! Either on our side... or theirs!! 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted October 2, 2001 Pakistan has nuclear weapons and the Taliban unofficially runs Pakistan (by iron fist). Its safe to assume they also have chemical weapons. Anthrax can be cured if it is caught fast enough though and so can the Black Plague. Coughing your intestines up as you breathe it in, though, like some chemical weapons, is clearly a more dangerous plan. However, actually using those here would be extremely difficult and affect a small area. The damage caused by explosives would be tenfold. If they actually nuked us they should know damn well we'd nuke just about the entire Middle East in retaliation. However, how can you trust the basic intelligence of a group of people that treats their women with less value than the dirt under their feet? 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted October 2, 2001 Different peeps view things different ways. True, very true. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted October 3, 2001 If they actually nuked us they should know damn well we'd nuke just about the entire Middle East in retaliation. The only nuke capability Bin Laden would have is a) a bomb that would distribute nuke material over an area, not a fission bomb, or b)Pakistan's weapon(s), wich is the reason for America's relationship with Pakistan now, trust me, 9 seconds after America/Britain strikes Afghanistan, the Pakistan people will overthrow their leader, risking the weapons of mass destruction being controlled by Taliban, and America/Britain/Nato will strike Pakistan. There is no way that Pakistan is considered a friend of America, it's just a case of America needing to do this at this moment in time, India is and always has been America's friend, India will not stand by, all Pakistan has done is lose friendship and protection that was offered by it's close ties to China, now Pakistan has blown it's ties to China by siding with America, as soon as Afghanistan is bombed, Pakistan better "put it's collective head between it's knees, and kiss it's ass goodbye" :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted October 3, 2001 What do you all think of the bus crash in Manchester, Tennessee? Think it's in anyway related? It's kinda hard to think it's a totally isolated incident. 0 Share this post Link to post
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