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"thats what those fucking yankees deserve. we shouldve done it"..

No one deserves a horrible death like that.

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infrared: what do you think of that fact that all of the planes in the air are being diverted to canada? imagine if a terrorist is on one of those right now...

Those are the trans-Atlantic flights only. Actually, a few of the flights in the air were diverted to Pittsburgh, which I thought was pretty stupid.

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with this, there can be no -true- justice... even if they catch the organization/group/what have you, even death isn't going to be much of a punishment. They may even think of themselves as martyrs and think their deaths were in their rightous way of thinking.

Just a utterly depressing thought from kitsune-nkeo -_-

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with this, there can be no -true- justice... even if they catch the organization/group/what have you, even death isn't going to be much of a punishment. They may even think of themselves as martyrs and think their deaths were in their rightous way of thinking.

That's already happened. What do you think the terrorists that hi-jacked the planes and flew them into buildings were thinking?

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I'm disgusted and ashamed that any human is capable of such senseless carnage, but paradoxically it seems unmerciful and complete retaliation is the only solution. I certainly wouldn't be the only one to support the idea of carpet bombing the mother-fuckers. With so many dead and affected by this terrible tragedy it is very difficult to put into words what we all feel, let alone what we want to do to rectify the situation.

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I have no doubts that this is World War III. Usama Bin Laden is too cowardly to fight us face to face so he's doing it the only way he can.

Buildings are designed to take bombs they are not designed to take airliners full of jet fuel crashing into them at over 500 miles per hour. That fireball was hot enough to melt the steel support structures of that building.

We don't even know who did it we only know it has happened.

I have no doubts that the people responsible will be taken care of one way or another.

Whether or not this goes back and forth from bombing to bombing... who knows?

Think of the damage one single chemical bomb could do to a metropolis... millions could die.

If it is Usama, well then, Afghanistan had better kick his ass out or they're going down too. With a situation this extreme there is no gray area. You are either with us or against us.

Pick a side, China.

Pick a side, Russia.

I keep seeing those Palestinian children cheering in the streets... and thinking how we have a high megaton bomb within 45 minutes of them that could completely erase the fact that they ever existed. There wouldn't even be ashes... nuclear weapons tech has grown exponentially powerful since Hiroshima... and there are children being born in Hiroshima today with half a brain or no arms.

I don't give a FRACTION OF A FUCK where you are or what nationality you are... THIS FUCKING AFFECTS YOU. This WTC building was the hub of the ENTIRE WORLD'S BUSINESS TRADE. Everyone will suffer because of these actions because these terrorists are trying to DESTROY CAPITALISM FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

You know, what just about every country in the world that engages in free trade engages in.

I'm very fucking sorry that we stepped in ten years ago in the middle east and kept the Muslims from slaughtering all the Jews like they were the 3rd Reich or something. I'm so sorry we don't like sitting back when thousands of people are being marched to their deaths.

So we are on the evil Jew side, and as such we are the GRAND SATAN of all militant Muslims.

FUCK YOU SAND NIGGER, let me see you pick up a fucking gun and come after my ass. Of course you won't you fucking coward, because you fucking REALIZE THAT:
1. Your government is corrupt, small, and pathetic.
2. Your cause is immoral and unjustified even by your own religion.
3. Your military is too PATHETIC to stand up to our country in our face and vent your problems.

By fucking with the US, you know, WHERE ALL THE MONEY IS, you have basically fucked with most of Asia and Europe too. Have a good time finding allies you fucking scumbags.

Fucking children dancing in the streets, I would slit their throats and shit in the hole if I could.

China may hate us but at least they know that two thirds of their entire economy relies on us and I'm quite sure they don't want to lose all of those billions a year.

I feel so sick to my fucking stomach I think I'm going to vomit.

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you think halifax is small? try regina... no one even knows we exist. people know about moose jaw and saskatoon, not regina, the capitol city. weird.

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Red: what is it about some of those people that makes them think thay can justify that shit? religion? And on a lighter note, we're neck to neck in posts

Religions have been one of the leading causes of wars and conflicts in the world..... sad, but true. It's also the cause of most injustices to 'minority' people.... being 25% native american, but with an erased past. Erk.....

This event may not be caused by religion, not all religions are evil, it's just the humans who abuse them. -Most- of the time.

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As far as i remember, Nostre Damus also spoke of Bacterial warfare and such, wich MANY people on the TV have been speaking of as a likely followup to this if anything more is gonna happen. These are supposedly signs of the coming of World war3, and "the antichrist" (wich could be symbolic for some really evil person, and some incredibly evil person is the mastermind behind these attacks). I know a guy who'se probably crazy whose actually rouding up an army for this kind of shit. He thinks he's the messiah (LOL). Let's hope he's not right, eh? :P

'Bombing back' is not an option, unfortunatly. The people responsible are people without territory. It's not some country attacking the US, it's probably an international terrorist organization. However, i'm sure that the Navy Seals, FBI, etc etc has their work cut out for them for a while.

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with this, there can be no -true- justice...

All depends on what you call justice I suppose. There's no getting even if that's what you mean. And I wouldn't want to do the same thing to another country to get even. That's just silly and useless. Justice would be just stopping it and making sure it doesn't happen again. Not saying that's possible or even how to do it, but eliminating that terrorist group is the best thing you can do.

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isn't the prophecy for the apocalypse supposed to start with the pope being assassinated, and the antichrist being the new pope?

maybe the translation got messed up and it's meant that a powerful figure. a president maybe?

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When I was 3 I moved to the US for 2 years, so when I got back early from school and saw the first plane crashing I went fucking speechless.

I have no doubts this is WW3, or at least an open, official war. Whoever did that, say goodbye to the fucking ground you're standing on, because this is not US's problem, it could happen ANYWHERE. All the friggin UN and the NATO are turning into allies for sure.

Impressive attack? Yes. A smart move? Hell, no, the only thing more stupid you could do is blow up the Statue of Liberty. When you commit a crime like this you're not proving your power, but making enemies around the World. How couldn't you look at the footage and not want to torture the leader of this operation? Media's shocking the World, think of how many allies and help US's going to get...

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These people are bastardizing their own religion so that if you die killing evil Satans (you know, us, 'cuz we don't like watching Jews lined up and shot) you get a free ticket to heaven.



BTW, Red, I'm Mestizo, half Indian. Six different tribes, most dominantly Cherokee and Blackfoot... you?

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and "the antichrist" (wich could be symbolic for some really evil person, and some incredibly evil person is the mastermind behind these attacks).

If Bin Laden really is behind this, that would fit freakishly perfect with almost everything that Nostradamus said.

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I don't want to be a DICK and ejaculate my religion all over your faces... but if you follow the book of Revelations the world is destined to end within TWENTY YEARS... the most accurate time scale suggests 2012 - 2016.

If you guys want to keep bringing up Apocryphal texts I feel that needs to be said.

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the president will be looking to place blame any place he can. it's human instinct. if that just happens to be his greatest enemy at the time so be it. remember when clinton bombed iraq to take the focus off of himself?

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There is not going to be a war. This was a terrorist attack not an attack by a country!

Regardless, this is an act of war. You don't have to have a war with an exact country.

I hope you're right, though. I really do.

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ElBryan: Heh. I know about Regina! And i shouldn't call Hali too small...it's the biggest Canadian city in a 500 K radius :)

Oh, and i hope swift, violent action against those sickos. And i noticed what deadnail pointed out as well: Those fucking ignorant CHILDREN cheering. I have no pity for anything that happens to those individuals, but i'm sure there are people there thinking like us.

Those aren't children, at least to a point where they shouldn't be killed brutally like those who started this injustice. Those mindless fucks. I hate them even though i've never met them, as they do Americans, but i have a good fucking reason...

...i don't WANT to meet someone who cheers in the face of human death, escpecially death of these preportions, unless it's with the end of a baseball bat. I used to think ALL children had innocence. Maybe they do but were taught to hate. I really don't think i need to care anymore. They're basiclly programmed to be anti-american.

P.S.: So many people have misconceptions about violence, such as a parent who refuses to let a child play Doom. All of US play doom, but i can tell by your posts that you can draw a line of reality.

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The difference was Clinton was a TRAITOR to our country that believed in PEACE not JUSTICE.

Bush is an old-school redneck who believes in RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY.

I have no fucking doubt in my mind he's already got together a bigass investigation team so we know where to AIM THE MISSLES.

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Bah, there's not gonna be a World War 3. We've had enough terrorist attacks before.

Until they find out for a fact that another country may be behind this, it's gonna remain a government investigation.

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These people are bastardizing their own religion so that if you die killing evil Satans (you know, us, 'cuz we don't like watching Jews lined up and shot) you get a free ticket to heaven.

Reasons like that is why I stray away from religions.... they usually involve an 'unholy/unclean' group of people which should be killed. Hitler used that as a reason to kill so many innocent people....

The American colonists (primarily in the south) thought the African people were savages and related to, erm, Cain was it?... so it was -acceptable- to enslave and mistreat them. Oi....

BTW, Red, I'm Mestizo, half Indian. Six different tribes, most dominantly Cherokee and Blackfoot... you?

From the little I -do- know, I'm 25% Cherokee.... I really have to look up some info in be sure of details. -That- side of my 'family' isn't documented well.... also the half with the traitor in it. Miff.......

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Dude, this *IS* World War 3. They don't have what it takes (people, armament) to fight us face to face so they're fighting us the only way they can. If twenty insane towelheads can do this let's see what fifteen million pissed off US Marines can do.

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I can't even find the words to describe how horrible this is. It hasn't even fully sunken into my mind that it really happened. 10,000 confirmed dead and that number rising... it just doesn't seem real... and when I try to imaging what it must have been like to be one of the victims...
My mind can't even begin to understand what kind of hatred (or worse, lack of caring) could have caused someone to kill so many innocent people. It's disgusting... and it worries me that so many of you mentioned retaliating against the entire country... not just those involved. I don't want to have any part of that.
I hope to the Gods that this isn't the start of a war.
My condolences to the families or the friends of the deceased.

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