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Whoh my god! Now, there saying that the explosions in Kabul are not US actions!

...Then, who is it?

Me. No, nevermind, I dont know. I dont think the US knows either.

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Enough with the Nostradamus quote, it's been posted like 354 times EVERYFUCKINGWHERE.

I argree with Zaldron.

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I wonder if Nostradamus has a prediction about me hunting down and kicking the crap out of everybody who quotes his stupid shit all the time.

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what about the children?

"what abou 'em?"

i dont know, i just thought id ask

-escape from monkey island

but seriously....will someone please think of the children!!!!!1

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Now it's time for my OWN 2 cents worth.

Humans fighting humans is so pointless if you ask me. It's a product of testosterone, as my mom says. Now I don't mean to sound demented or overly obsessed about the game this site is based on, but not even this incident will spell the end. What I think will happen, one day, is that someone or something from beyond our system, or even from beyond our own universe, will come and invade our world.

I still feel that this will go down in U.S history forever, and needless to say, it's a safe bet to say that my generation has had its catastrophic historical tragedy. I've heard this has been called "our generation's Pearl Harbor." That's true, only it's worse.

May whatever rules the universe give us last minute salvation.

BTW, TV and radio over in my area is starting to act funky. What could it mean?

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I wonder if Nostradamus has a prediction about me hunting down and kicking the crap out of everybody who quotes his stupid shit all the time.

Probably, but he couldn't care less anyway...:)

Third of fourth fucking smiley in the day. I'm speechless.

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I wonder if Nostradamus has a prediction about me hunting down and kicking the crap out of everybody who quotes his stupid shit all the time.

Thy shalt have to watcheth thy ass if thy quote thys shit in the gathering place of people without a life.

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I don't think you can be too young to donate blood.

If I had a place to go I probably would - nobody knows any here.

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I've heard this has been called "our generation's Pearl Harbor." That's true, only it's worse.

Much worse. Pearl Harbor was a carefully planned strategic attack against a military target. This was carefully planned, strategic, but against a civilian target, with many more people at harm, and it was plain and simple: Cold, hard, terrorism.

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Who here is gonna donate blood? I think I'm too young.

You must be 18 to give blood in the US. They prefer non-smokers, non-druggies and non-drinkers.

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Look everybody, the best we can do is keep from looking at everything like it's going to turn out the darkest possible way.

Fuck, this is probably the worst attack the good ol' US has suffered, well, ever.

Nevertheless, we should look at the facts before we bury our heads in our hands and worry about a draft or a war.

Any world leader with two brain cells to rub together could see that blowing down the WORLD TRADE CENTER is suicide... like deadnail made perfectly clear, these terrorists/arabs/palestinians/morons have just screwed around not only with the Americas, but with Asia and Europe as well.

As far as I can see things, all I want to do is hope for fast recovery and swift justice... there's no use in fearing anything until we are sure it is here, and right now we have no real clue of OUR attackers or of Kabul's attackers.

Until we are actually at war, let's not destroy ourselves. Try to keep DW the lively place it normally is =p

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I don't know you, Liam, but I can't fucking even think of "games" or "doom" in such a day...I won't for a couple of days, actually. And this is just the beginning, US's starting to recover from the shock, actions will be taken from now on...

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I don't know you, Liam, but I can't fucking even think of "games" or "doom" in such a day...I won't for a couple of days, actually. And this is just the beginning, US's starting to recover from the shock, actions will be taken from now on...

I never said I wanted us all to dance around and play games all day, this is dead serious. I'm just saying we shouldn't look at everything in the darkest case scenario until it is the darkest case scenario.

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maybe the whole thing's a ploy to get a US/Afghanistan battle for some sick reason.

Too much Illuminati conspirancy for you. 99% of the wars across History started because of *LAME* arguements. This is just plain, blind hate.

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maybe the whole thing's a ploy to get a US/Afghanistan battle for some sick reason.

I don't think we believe that the nation of Afghanistan actually attacked us. We're pretty sure it was bin Laden or another organization.

It could be a ploy to get Afghanistan against us, but the only we we should attack Afghanistan is if we know bin Laden's exact location, or they join the war against us.

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The fire-hall in my town is holding a blood drive. I am gonna go stand out in front of the local store with a sign. Later however.

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Ok, I'm living in germany and ist 0:50. I'll go to bed now and have some nightmares. Hmm, maybe that i'll dream about WW3, Nostradamus and people jumping out of windows. Whatever, I hope that the first message tomorrow isn't that Bush is dead or the white house has been destroyed.
Good (depending on the circumstances) night !

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I hope to God that nuclear weapons don't come into play in any way because of this. The only time that nukes have ever been used, it ended World War 2. If they're ever used again, it'll start World War 3.

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I hope that the first message tomorrow isn't that Bush is dead or the white house has been destroyed.

I really don't think this will be the case. We are getting fully prepared for any sort of attack. All airports are for all intents and purposes closed, and all planes are grounded until at least noon tomorrow.

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I hope to God that nuclear weapons don't come into play in any way because of this. The only time that nukes have ever been used, it ended World War 2. If they're ever used again, it'll start World War 3.

I just can't believe Humanity keeps being so ignorant about those things. I just can't believe we have been improving their tech, actually...

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I hope to God that nuclear weapons don't come into play in any way because of this. The only time that nukes have ever been used, it ended World War 2. If they're ever used again, it'll start World War 3.

Unfortunately, I really don't see any way that this war will be resolved without them. I am hoping beyond all hope that this is resolved quickly without any more innocent casualties.

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I hope that the first message tomorrow isn't that Bush is dead or the white house has been destroyed.

I really don't think this will be the case.

Of course, with every news anchor in the US giving out his current location, you never know.

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On a reflective point, the sunset where i live is a beautiful gold-under pink, which fades into deep shades of purple. I just went outside to look at it. It's almost eerily beautiful...

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fuck the Taleban they are sick mofos and they should die!! nuke them all to hell!! oooo Some dorke in school stated "we will punish those who should be punished and have relation to the crime" pfft scew that shit. no one needs iran or pakistan. er... maybee for the oil but fuel cells are getting goos so i say to you george bush nuke the goddamn place to hell! no one needs it.

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