esco Posted September 11, 2001 Yo, I get woken up by mah pops dis morning at around 10 am ta hear him telling me dat he thinks I should turn on da news. I ask thru mah door what da fuck he's talkin about (still half-asleep) and he says the world trade center done got hit da fuck up. I turn on da news and see one OF THE FUCKING TOWERS MISSING!!! KEEP DA FUCK IN MIND I LIVED IN NY FOR 15 FUCKING YEARS, AND NEVER WOULD I IMAGINE SEEING ONE OF THOSE MASSIVE, BEAUTIFUL TOWERS MISSING!!! Mah pops used to have lunch everyday between them two fucking towers for years for whateva god you believe in's sake!!! I sit there, just stuck wit mah mouth open, in shock at da fact that one of the WTC twin towers is FUCKIN' GONE, FOREVA!!! Then I sit there thinking, "OMG there are over 10000 peeps in each one of those buildings!! And there are also tons of shit built around da twin towers, it's one of da most popular and loved places in NY city!!! OH GOD NO!" I then take some slight comfort in the fact dat ONE of the towers survived, so at least there is still SOME hope. I hear talks of there is a SLIGHT chance dat shit will fall, and I think "there is now way dat da other tower will fall. No way!" And then it happens.... I see the other tower start to fall.... and I feel like words can never FUCKIN describe! I have been in dat area some many fuckin' times.... I have done so much up in dat area... mah pops worked there for gods sake for years..... I don't THINK any of mah family or friends would be in the area... I don't think..... I hope not! Ya'll peeps probably don't comprehend da scope of damage UNLESS any of ya'll live or lived in NY!! They give us a tolls of 10000 victimes, +266 from a plane crash... when the toll is more around 15000-20000+!!!! And I may not like cops, but what about all them emergency help peeps dat were in da building trying to evacuate it!! They didn't deserve to die like dat!!!!! Keep in mind dat... EACH TOWER HAS 110 stories (a total of 220) At 8:30am them buildings are SO populated, dat there are lines at da elevators!!! The stair cases are so fuckin' skinny, dat even in an hour not even 25% of the workers could have got out!!! Peeps jumped out of da windows to escape the fuckin' flames!!! The total population of Twin Towers at 8:30am in the morning: approximately 25000 people!! Population of surrounding area at that time (rush hour): 15000-25000 people, in addition to those in da fuckin towers!!!!! FOR DA LOVE OF FUCKIN' GOD, WHAT KIND OF INHUMAN MONSTERS COULD DO SOME KIND OF SHIT LIKE DIS!!! THEY KILLED INOCCENT PEOPLE ON FOUR, NOT ONE, BUT FOUR FUCKIN' AIRLINES! THEY WIPED OUT A MAJOR WORLD LANDMARK, AND KILLED MOST OF THE PEOPLE IN THERE! THEY WIPED OUT EVERYONE IN DA PLAZAS, SUBWAYS, STORES, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND BUILDINGS ANYWHERE NEAR THEM!!! AND THEY THEN BOMBED DA PENTAGON WHILE WE WERE DISTRACTED!!! AND WE CAN'T EVEN HELP THEM! AND I DON'T KNOW WHO IN MY FAMILY, AND IF ANY OF MAH FRIENDS WERE IN THOSE BUILDINGS, AND I HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING AT DIS MOTHAFUCKING POINT!!! I'm sorry ya'll, but I'm gettin da fuck out of here. I don't feel too fuckin' straight right now! Mah best wishes and apoligies got to anyone who lost somebody in this FUCKIN' SLAUGHTER!! Dis shit makes PEARL HARBOR look like a baby game!!! I hope dat any of ya'll peeps who have suffered from this find some kind of fuckin' peace inside.... I know I'll need to. I'm out! 0 Share this post Link to post
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