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Fall-Winter fashion line-up


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funcrusher give me a good idea. If all the zombie soldiers in Doom are formerly human marine comerade, they should be dressed in same way of the playa. So I have draw some quick sketches of those monsters for those who want make some sprite (I'm actually occuped with the playa himself, but if nobody want use them I will do 'em later). All this is only a pourpose, not an official guideline!!!

Just uploaded

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Very nice, the idea is really good! I hope nobody has time to do them until you are finished with playa ;)

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Glad you liked my idea. the sketches look great. If used, they would give FreeDooM a unique, consistent look.

Another thought: in deathmatch players could choose different colors. If the UAC . . . excuse me, AGM is a military organization there would be different uniforms for different ranks. Could this be done through different colors? Each former human monster has a different weapon and presumably a different rank. Why not a different color. the pistol guy could be green (as would be our playa) the shotgun sergeant a deep red, and the chainer black?

just a thought.

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I'm sorry, nobody, but for the second time your mail server returned to me a mail, cause it can't deliver anything to you. Maybe you have typed a wong response adresse in your e-mail client, or maybe is time to try an another isp...

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They look great . . . I hope id doesn't decide they look too much like replacements for the original monsters, though. Remember, we cannot simply recreate the Doom monsters. They have to be original.

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I unerstand your concern, but am not too worried. A lot of games since DooM ripped off the ideas a lot more directly than is being done here. And those games were for profit, so you think id would have taken issue with them then. This project here, is not a mercenary thing, and (classic)DooM is no longer id's bread and butter. They released the source code for crying out loud. As long as the FreeDooM iwad relies on 100 percent original artwork, levels, etc. I don't think that there'll be much to worry a bout, conceptual simlilarities or not.

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I have just uploaded the new player, tomorrow I'll leave for a one week holiday, so if there is some problem with the sprite I can fix it only next week. The coversion to Doom palette has completely changed the dress color, so is less similiar to the original. Also the animation is rasonnably different. Any test will be very apprecieted.

See you later!

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Thanks :). I've added the player sprites into the latest wad. There are a few issues which need to be fixed (background colour is wrong on one of the walking frames, and the player should be green instead of yellow for the colour translations) but I have to say it looks really good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back and working to the playa.
The transparency problem is now fixed (I had applied the wrong palette), the white glitches are almost all removed, but the dress color is more hard to fix.

I need to replace the yellow-brown nouances with the original green nouances in *any* frame!! I must replace 30 colors circa without modifing the gray of the armour. Someone know a way to do this with a batch or script or anydamnthingyaknow??!!?? If I do this by hand in psp I will finish next Easter! Any help is welcome!

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if the images are in png format I can modify them, I have some scripts to do that sort of thing. you need to tell me what you want the colors mapped to

i.e. RGB value 1 to become RGB value 2

I'll do my best, I've done something similar before but I have had trouble with some formats of image. 256 palette is easiest.

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I had big internet problems for almost a week: tnx a lot to Jon for his interest. Whiting the connection to return, I fixed the color, but the result is awful. Now I leave the work on playa to beguin the soldier, so if you or something other could do a better work (maybe starting from original 24bit scans) let me know.

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