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What is considered the best single player level for doom in any version?


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Go back to the main page of Doomworld and go to the hosted site for the Darkening. Now that is some ultra high quality shit right there.

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I'm gonna check out that vengence and shit. Thanks for the links man. Anyway out of all the original levels my faverot is E1M2 just playing that level makes me feel nostalgic and reminds me off better days. Then again from playstation doom I loved a cupple of levels the first one was what the fucks it called ah fuck I can't remember but but it was the last one before the end of Doom 1. From the Doom 2 playstation version there was a seceret level called "The Mansion" I think thats what it was called anyhow. I loved those levels. Oh yeah Club Doom was pretty funky to.

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Well I was playing Memento Mori II on ultra violence and it was hard. Well not because of the well placed traps and monsters but because the levels are cramped to hell making gameplay difficult. There isn't much room to dodge stuff. I'm only a few levels through it so maybe the levels will open up a little.

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Well I was playing Memento Mori II on ultra violence and it was hard. Well not because of the well placed traps and monsters but because the levels are cramped to hell making gameplay difficult. There isn't much room to dodge stuff. I'm only a few levels through it so maybe the levels will open up a little.

How far? Wait until you get to Base Exposure. I like the mood and theme of the map. The music goes well with it too.

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Ok, here's a deal.

If you really want to play the most ultimate challenge solo wads, try Hell Revealed and Hell Revealed 2 (even though it's a beta, bet you won't get through to lvl 5 easily).

Other good pwads have been mentioned already, btw, here is a good site for visiting: http://competn.cjb.net

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I got to play Memento Mori 2 ok through doom but I couldn't play the first one cuz I needed version 1.9 or something. There work through zdoom however but the music doesn't play for some reason but thats life and computers for you.

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Well I just finished Memento Mori 1 and jesus some of those leves were redicuosly tough. Of course I played it on Ultra Violence. But the hardest level was definetly "Showdown" I think it was called. There must be at least 400 bad guys in that and thats not even after all the Pain Elemental's have released two dozen Lost Souls. But of course after you've toasted most of them your like thank fuck. And then out come out a some Arch Viles to roast you and re spawn the bad guys you just spent some good shotgun rounds killing. Basicly I loved it. Good job. Hopefully some of the levels in Memento Mori 2 won't have 10 Cyberdemons in them. Oh well better get back to work.

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That's cause Memento Mori was mainly built for co-op play. It's fun as hell if you play it co-op.

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Co-op? Ah now I see why I was getting shagged from all angles by the demons. Still sometimes I just love to fuck up a room full of creatures and when I'm done just marvel at the corpses. Cheers for the link to Stone Stratagems. I'll check it out!

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I just love to fuck up a room full of creatures and when I'm done just marvel at the corpses. Cheers for the link to Stone Stratagems. I'll check it out!

Heh. Wait 'til you see map11. :)

The current file is a little out-of-date; I think it only goes up to map18. I finished map19 and working on 20. I'll update the zip when I finish 20, then I'll give it a break until further notice.

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I CAN'T WAIT! The levels just keep getting better and better. Your levels in Stone Stratagems never cease to amaze me.

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Some of my faves:
The original Doom levels (well, DUH!!)
Return to Phobos
The Classic Episode
.....among others.

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