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2 problems [Legacy]

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1: i cant get Legacy to work (i downloaded the newest one today)

in command prompt i do this:

cd C:\doom2\legacy <enter>
legacy.exe -iwad C:\doom2\doom2.wad -file C:\doom2\nimrod.wad <enter>

get some strange sound file error.

2: massmouth2 seems to be in a broken .zip file. if downloaded it twice and it faults when i try to unzip it or manually extract it.

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1. What is this strange sound file error? Would you mind typing out the error?

2. The download might have cut off too early, resulting in a CRC/Unexpected end of file error.

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You should try the wad in ZDoom, unless it's Legacy specific. In which case, there may be a corrupted sound file inside that wad that needs fixing. Send "nimrod.wad" to me, I'll see if something's wrong with it.

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1.Isn't it easier to use the Legacy Launcher?
2.Many times a download can brake because of some problems and altough it may seem it finished download the file was cut off. Try using a download manager, like GetRight.

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i do not have doom2.wad or dooms.wad in the same directory as legacy.exe

originally i extracted legacy into my doom2 folder (has all my doom stuff) but i would have to copy over some things so i put it all into doom2\legacy and just made a folder for all the legacy stuff

"I_RegisterSong: StreamBufferSetup FAILED" is the error i get

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Nimrod really has to be played with Legacy to have everything work. There's a lot of scripting stuff that requires it.

Put a copy of your doom.wad / doom2.wad etc in your legacy folder, then set up the launcher:

Under the "Game Mode" button point it at your legacy.exe and doom/doom2.wad file.
Under the "Setup" button choose OpenGl or Software rendering.

To play Nimrod hit the "Single Player" button, then:
1. Set your Game Options, for Nimrod just leave em all unchecked.
2. Set the skill level
3. leave the Startmap set on MAP01
4. click the "Additional Files" check box, then hit the "+" button and find nimrod.
5. I recommend you click the "Additional Options" box and put in:

-nocheckwadversion -mb 64

If you have less than 64 megabytes of memory in your computer put "-mb 32" or whatever you have.

If you have anymore questions come on over to the Legacy Forum and we'll get you fixed up.

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Also a note: The IWAD _only_ has to be in the legacy folder if you are using the godawful launcher.
The command line you had there Godshatter was fine. The sound error you got will not simply be fixed by using the launcher, it's something to do with the midi in legacy. Run with the command -nomusic and see if that helps.

Nimrod wont work properly in jdoom or zdoom, its is legacy only, due to the scripting language that is apparent in most later levels.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nimrod won't work with Music in the current verison of Legacy. either you run it with -nomusic or you downgrade .. or wait for the next version..

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