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for many of us we have been useing, makeing, and gameing with computers much of our lives. I still remeber my dooming computer that sat in my mom's boyfriends basement. God that room made doom very creepy it was filled with boxes and other junk. i remember quiteing doom and 5 minutes later i thought i heard a imp in the back of the room. That scared me and i went upstairs, I was also 11 at the time. That old 88/486DX, SVGA card, soundblaster 16, with 8 megs of RAM lasted me until my dad got his computer in 96/97 and then until i got my current one in 99. Anyway we all probaly have a ton of older computer junk laying around our homes that could make a classic system. I just put a classic system together but it is a step above a 486. So here is the question what was your first system or dooming computer and do u have any classic systems in yur home that are still used

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The first computer at my house that I tried running Doom on a 386/20 my sister gave us, but that just didn't work. The actual first time I played the game was on my cousin's 486/50MHz laptop, but that was only during the 6 hours I was at his place. The first computer of ours that I was able to play the game on was a Pentium90 with 16MB of RAM. It was a good computer, in fact it outperformed all my friend's P120's and P133's.

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My first comp, I got back in '94, right after Doom 2 came out. It was a 486/something with 4 megs of RAM (we later upgraded all the way to 8 :P). It used Windows 3.1.

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If you mean PC's, my first comp was a 486DX/2 66mhz with 8mb of ram, 420mb hd, 2x cd-rom, a 1mb video card and a sound blaster 16.

If you don't mean PC's, then it's an Apple II/e.

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First; Amiga 500, with a WILD 2mb's of ram and 20mb HD :D

Then, my cousin got Doom for his PC, and i bitched and bitched for a forthnight until my dad went out and bought a 486 66mhz with 4 megs of ram, and woooo, 420 megs on the HD. And the day after, my cousins doom disks was borrowed.

Come to think of it, i can remember the exact date i played doom on my own comp; Dec. 3rd 1994 :)

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Our Compaq Presario 486 came in handy after about 5 years. It's been our firewall since about 6 months actually. Lol, I used to play Ishar3: The Seven Gates of Infinity on that comp...

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My first computer was a 286 16. It couldn't play Doom, but I bought Doom 2 anyway (my computer was weird, for some reason Doom was the only thing that mattered, it checked the chip). But I installed it anyway, and read the readme countless times...

Then, 2 months later, I got a 486 66. I haven't stopped playing Doom ever since. I still have the 486, but it's been collecting dust. The only time I turned it on in years was to get a list of what's on my beta tapes.

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First comp? TI99-4A, I don't think many remember this thing... Then I had a CPC6128... Then I jumped to a P90.

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Hey Julian you're not alone. Parsec and Munchman rule!!

From there it was some horrible 286 that I used for Solitaire and Tetris... then it was a wicked fast P75 with 8 megs of ram. That was in 96.

Now it's a P3 450 with 256 megs of ram. Boy, Quake 2 sure looks a lot better on this than that Cyrix 150 I had for WAY TOO LONG. It went from 320 by 200 choppy to 1024 by 768 with vsync on as smooth as glass.

When them N-Force boards come out I think I'll snag the 420 flavor and jam at the very least a gig of ram on the mutha. The only catch is I'll hafta build it from nothing so I do have to pick a case. Lian Li cases are nice but are too damn costly... so I have this feeling that I'll end up with an Addtronic or something. Any suggestions?

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I got my first PC back at early '96, it was a P90/8MB/850Mb/15". I still have that monitor, and the good ol' keyboard, without those fucking windoze keys.

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things i find humorus now a days
640K was said to be more than enought for anyone
the 386 was said to be to powerful
the 486DX (DX ment it had a math co-prossecor SX ment it did not have one) was also said to be to powerful so they made a SX version once agian whcih i still would have never bought.

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hey with win98SE i get %98 performance with 320RAM. For those who dont know this you can save your self from long windows loading times and gain a better performance % if you go to start and run msconfig, then click startup and uncheck all but systray and explorer, or any drivers that are NEEDED to run windows

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First time I played DOOM? I don't remember what the computer was since I was in 4th grade at the time and was completely computer illiterate! (Thanks, Dad.) The psychologist I went to had the shareware version on the 'puter in her office so we could "vent our anger" (yeah, I was suffering from depression at the time). It had Win3.1 on it.

Second time I really played DOOM was Christmas '97. Me, my mom, and my sister went to Michigan to visit relatives, and one of my uncle's presents was a joystick for the computer (I know it had Win95 on it), and lo and behold, it came with the shareware version of DOOM on it! I ended up playing it more than anyone else in the house at the time!

Next, after my parents' divorce, I went to vist my mom and her roommate at their house. The roommate had The Ultimate DOOM (a hard concept for me to comprehend at the time) on her PowerMac 150 MHZ OS 7.something (later upgraded to 8.0, yay). I officially call that day the "birth of my DOOMing". During that time I also found out about WADs. The ones she had kicked ass! (Elfstomp was one of them.)

About 7 to 8 months later I finally moved in with my stepmom. The only time I could play DOOM now was to go over to my mom's place, which didn't happen very often. After a couple of more months I found DOOM 2 at Wal-Mart for about $13.00. I was surprised my stepmom let me buy it, with the way she is. At the time, I was just getting the hang of Win95. The computer at my stepmom's was so bad, I can only call it a POS.

My closest friend got his new computer while living with my stepmom. I think it was an NEC. It had an P3 450 Mhz, and that's all I know. His came with a Soundblaster 64 something and and OpenGL card of some sort (goddam him!). I played DOOM 2 only once on that one.

Just about 2 years after I moved in with my stepmom, I got my own computer: HP Pavilion 500 MHZ Intel Celeron, Riptide Wavetable Synthesizer (I will kill for a Roland!), approx. 64 MB RAM, no OpenGL card, and a basic video card as far as I know. I can't believe one of the issues of me moving out of my stepmom's house was my computer!

Anyway, here I am now with the aforementioned computer in the above paragraph. Ever since, I've been open to the ways of DOOM, WAD editing, and even the concept of a source port! That's my story. Hope it wasn't boring for you.

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