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Please give me a 'formal' review of my Doom mod.

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I know this is going to sound VERY selfish and I know my Mod is a bit old, but could someone do a formal review for my Doom mod, ICD-Lizard?


I was looking through the old /Newstuff reviews and I happened to find my Doom mod being reviewed by Deathz0r. Although it was ok, I didn't really find the review all that informative. I don't think he even read the instructions for the mod on account that screenshots had Zombiemen being killed rather than Lizards. Anyway, if anyone is interested, the link is located above. Remember to follow the instructions.

Thank you.

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Heh, it's true. Deathz0r didn't load the wads correctly, so as it stands, there is no official review of ICD-Lizard. Now, I'd review it myself, but being the official Lizardcommando Fanboy, my review would be a tad biased.

So, all you other EDGE users(and I know there are more of you out there because of the Doom3 in Doom2 project), why don't you give this mod a look and tell LC what you think?

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Dunbar said:

Heh, it's true. Deathz0r didn't load the wads correctly, so as it stands, there is no official review of ICD-Lizard. Now, I'd review it myself, but being the official Lizardcommando Fanboy, my review would be a tad biased.

What? Last time I checked, there was only one wad.

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The graphics aren't that appealing, but the gameplay stands solid; also, maps could've been done a little better. Nice try, though, it's good for a rainy day.


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deathz0r said:

What? Last time I checked, there was only one wad.

It says in the readme that Lizardwar.wad is one of the requirements for the wad to work properly. Plus there was a link to my site in the readme, so you could go download Lizardwar.

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Thank you for the review. Yeah I agree, there were too many guns, I (finally) realize that... It was just too hard to choose which gun to keep in or throw out (at the time anyways.) But I do know which guns I would throw out...

Now does this mean a possible update? I'm not too sure...

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