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Suggestions anyone? [trying to achieve a good looking map]

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Now I'm positive you're Shadowrunner!

It appears to be shaping up relatively nicely... I can't really think of many suggestions right now.

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Bloodskull said:

What's that supposed to mean?

It's the odd "charm" of that map... I just can't shake that it looks like a Shadowrunner map. There's also more evidence leading me to say you're Shadowrunner.


Best Doomworld Quote

Ralphis: Shadowrunner's custom title.
Bloodskull: Yeah, what Ralphis said about my custom title.

Or something to that effect.

And besides that, you came around not long after Shadowrunner disappeared, IIRC.

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Looks decent.
Those crates-the little crates look scattered, but all are the same 90 angle. Why's that? If someone threw them they should be more rotated-think about that. Overal, rather promising.

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BlackFish said:

Rotate some of the boxes a bit and you got a damn good map. :)

Dark: He is shadowrunner.

Didn't have time to rotate those boxes, and this is by the way Map01 of FlightAssault which is also getting a big thanks To Crash Man for offering help to the story and making textures/sprites. He's actually gonna be doing voices and making a marine based on his looks such as this:

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whatnot is not a made up word nor is it misspelt. It means "Any of various additional or unspecified things or items." Moreover, seeing posts rendered nonsensical by asterisks is more annoying than seeing said misspelt or made up word.

Anyway, the map looks decent. I like the use of slopes on that broken crate. It's pretty hard to tell how good it looks from that first screenshot, since it's fairly bare.

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Ceiling needs work more than anything.

That's probably the most overlooked yet most effective way to make a room look interesting. Ceiling detail. Also, consider putting a few posts along that fence to break it up a little.

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it doesn't look half-bad. One thing though that usually adds to a map like this: try to not use the same linedefs for ceiling height variation as you use for floor height variation too much. It looks more impressive if you use a criss-cross of lines to create overlapping effects instead.

Also, trying to implement the detail into larger structural elements is nice, as it doesn't look as much as if the detail is just there for no reason at all (this isn't easy to pull off nicely, but look at Vrack3 for a good example).

Nice stuff overall.

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Bloodskull said:

Didn't have time to rotate those boxes, and this is by the way Map01 of FlightAssault which is also getting a big thanks To Crash Man for offering help to the story and making textures/sprites. He's actually gonna be doing voices and making a marine based on his looks such as this:

Is that the Mancubus face?

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The lastest screenies of the map look completely amazing. The only things I may suggest:

1) Work on lightning
2) Avoid repetivity (looks like you're overusing Copy->Paste...)

Otherwise, you've done enormous progress since your first maps I've seen.

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Needs more light fixtures. Try adding more detail to light poles. Perhaps form flashing lights with sparks. Also, shatterable glass makes a good impact too. add some little flatforms in the middle of the ditch in that hanger-like roomage, I think that would look good. Also, Needs some inaccessible rooms you can look into but not enter. Maybe some more bodies would be good....


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ellmo said:

The lastest screenies of the map look completely amazing. The only things I may suggest:

1) Work on lightning
2) Avoid repetivity (looks like you're overusing Copy->Paste...)

Otherwise, you've done enormous progress since your first maps I've seen.

Gonna be working on lighting, inspired by your wads Ellmo.

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"I can't believe it's a Shadowrunner map!"

Just kidding, nice looking map, Bloodskull.

EDIT: And yes, you really ought to look into your lighting details.

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Bloodskull said:

Gonna be working on lighting, inspired by your wads Ellmo.

Thx. Be sure to check the DRD when it's out. You could also pay some attention to the screens I've posted. Strangely enough, they didn't draw much interest; and I used to think the project was very anticipated.

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ellmo said:

Thx. Be sure to check the DRD when it's out. You could also pay some attention to the screens I've posted. Strangely enough, they didn't draw much interest; and I used to think the project was very anticipated.

Heh, yeah, I think I was the only one that said "OMG KEWL".

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