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live sound card and doom


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Got doom2 a few days ago, but doesnt run when I select my sound card.
Under win98/NT, how do view my port, irq and dma settings so I can setup the setup prog and have sound.
it is doom ver 1.666

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Isn't there a version 1.9 ??

Select soundblaster or soundblaster 16 when you choose your sound card. Or have you tried that already?

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I had the same problem with my soundcard and doom. The IRQ and all that crap were out of setup2.exe's range, but if you edit the config file manually, you might have some luck. I still have to exit to dos to get any kind of sound, but hey - that's what sourceports are for!

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Hate this piece of crap, only 64 SDRAM in it and it can do ZIP.

I try to play Counter Strike (yeah I know) and it laggs like I'm playing in slow motion. I HATE IT.

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but if you edit the config file manually

Yep. Well there ya go! You can either patch up your DOOM or edit the config file (with word 97) and try your luck at that.

Microsoft FNORD 97??

Notepad or msdos edit, foo'

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