Jeremy Posted September 19, 2001 What do you concider Hell? We have all seen many many interpretations of Hell {especially from Doom}, but what would you SERIOUSLY concider Hell? I want you to think about it. My interpretation of Hell, is being stuck in this never ending maze of round tin-like tunnels, by yourself, with NO way out, and you can NEVER die, just sit in these quiet, lonely, dark, small, never-ending tunnels, FOREVER. That myfreind, would be HELL. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted September 19, 2001 Well, it says in the Bible that Hell is a never-ending maze of Hellish fire and brimstone, and never-ending torment. Imagine wandering through a fiery maze, while feeling the full effect of fire 10 times hotter than the fire of Earth scorching you through all forever, full of tormented souls and hearing the screams of the damned for all eternity, plus you still feel hunger, thirst, and a piercing lonliness. And it would never, NEVER, end. THAT would be Hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted September 19, 2001 some people say Hell is black room and when you die you are placed in that room, alone and left to think about the crimes commited when you were alive 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 20, 2001 Some do even say that when we die and if we have commited murder, you'll have the chance of meeting the ones that you thought you had killed. 0 Share this post Link to post
Castlevania Posted September 20, 2001 my idea of heck... being tied to a chair in the desert, periodically tormented by ants, forever but SERIOUS hell would be forever in burning brimstone among the non-christians but HEAVEN would be in burning brimstone, dark corridors, toxic slime fighting demons and picking up weapons and ammo FOREVER all the fun of god mode, except you take the damage and feel the pain 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 20, 2001 Or hell is just a alittle, black room, as written. After a while, those who commited starts to scream and it'll echo for years....that's a sort of a hellish matter. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 20, 2001 Mmmh, from a scientific point of view, Hell would be nothing more than one of the many worlds that comform the Multiverse. It's impossible to even imagine what would it be without knowing how far from our Universe is (speaking in more than just 3 dimensions). The whole workings of the Physics in that world depends on that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 20, 2001 Well, if there is a hell there must be also a heaven. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 20, 2001 I don't mind the idea of infinite worlds, but to think they have something in common with us is weird. Basically any world crappier than this is Hell, while anything greater could be a Heaven. If we analize *ANY* religion closely, you'll see there's absolutely no way to avoid Hell :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 20, 2001 Oh, I'm not worried about knowing that for a LONG time... ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 20, 2001 Unless we get bombed or something. Hate those friggin' terrorists. Didn't CNN broadcast something about some internet cafés in China, of what they tought about the terrorists? I recall that they said: They were heroes that liberated the world. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 21, 2001 I'm not going to say anything about Hell; instead I'll tell you a story. The story was originally told by Russian writer Dostoyevsky. Here it goes: A philosopher-atheist died. He met God, and God said to him: I can't put you in Heaven, because you didn't believe in me. But overall you were a nice guy, so I can't put you in Hell, either. So this is what I'll do instead: here's a road, and Heaven is trillion kilometers away; once you come to Heaven, you can stay there. The philosopher said: Fuck you, I don't believe in you anyway. And so he just sat there doing nothing. And he sat there for about a thousand years. Then he stand up, and went. Eventually (after hundreds of millions of years) he came to Heaven, and was forgiven. End of story. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 21, 2001 That is the most ridiculous story I ever heard. I would have created my own Heaven :P 0 Share this post Link to post
999cop Posted September 21, 2001 That is the most ridiculous story I ever heard. I would have created my own Heaven :P Ahhh don't you know, zaldron? That's what Russian writer's talented at 0 Share this post Link to post
Castlevania Posted September 21, 2001 Mmmh, from a scientific point of view, Hell would be nothing more than one of the many worlds that comform the Multiverse. It's impossible to even imagine what would it be without knowing how far from our Universe is (speaking in more than just 3 dimensions). The whole workings of the Physics in that world depends on that. how dare you bring up multiverses and all this without explaining what it is. it sounds interesting. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 21, 2001 Hell is even more interesting. (d0h) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted September 21, 2001 I don't think I can explain it pretty well in English, castlevania. Grab a copy of Stephen Hawking's "A brief History of Time". I'm pretty sure someone near you has it, afterall it sold one copy for every 700 persons in the world. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 21, 2001 Satan, Demons & Screams. That would make a fine company, don't ya think? 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 22, 2001 Satan, Demons & Screams. That would make a fine company, don't ya think? And meatballs, of course? 0 Share this post Link to post
KING_XTREME Posted September 22, 2001 Well, get this. I don't believe there even IS a Hell. I think that if God is a kind and loving being, he wouldn't Damn people into an eternity of pain and suffering forever because of there Earthly mistakes. Well, I'm still undicided about this whole "Hell" thing, so there might be one anyway. I would maybe agree with the whole "Twilight Zone" idea, where hell is a golden mansion where you NEVER lose at anything, and you never have any difficulty or uninterest. It would be so boring and repetitive, it would eventually become a nightmarish insanity. I believe that in Heaven, you still have some difficulty at things, just no pain or suffering. Hell doesn't have to look like a perpetual Hell. I suppose were not really supposed to know untill were there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Squill01 Posted September 23, 2001 I also think that hell "as we think it is" doesn't actually exist.It's more like not knowing when you've died where to go, so you stick around on earth (because you still think your alive) untill you finaly realize that you've died and can move on. And God give us all a free will so he won't put his will on you and say "Well you didn't go the right way so you can go to hell" because he gave you a free will to choose the things you did on earth and he won't judge you for that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 23, 2001 I don't think we'll stick around on Earth when we pass away, not directly. First, you'll probably enter paradise (heaven), and perhaps, see your family. It could be an option, that is if you want to "haunt" someone back on Earth because something bad happend to you when you were alive. But I don't think death even exists. If you get shot or got beaten do "death", your soul just passes on to heaven (or hell I don't know)??... 0 Share this post Link to post
masterhassan Posted September 25, 2001 my feelings on this are that that argument that everyone uses for proving there is no god, is my argument that there is one. i think pain and suffering exists as a test, god is trying to see if we are good people, by putting these tests in front of us, hes going to see if we take the good path, which involves hard work and respect for others, or the dark path, which is quik and easy, if you only worry about yourself you'll probably take the dark side, so god would know if youre bad or not. if the tests werent there then we wouldnt be evil, there woudl be no reason too at all. with these tests, god sees if you are worthy, and a good person. i stole alot of my phiosophy from star wars, obviously, but think about it , it makes sense. lets say you loose everything you own, and everyone you love. yore a bum on the street, you see a chance to mug a person and take their money, you could do that, or you could attempt to find some other, honest way to make money. it doesnt matter if you sucseed at making the money, its that you tried. if you take the good way and do it honestly, it shows you are a good person, and deserve to be saved. if you took the easy path, it shows that you dont deserve to be let into heaven,god created us to live in peace, and you cant, so you dont make it in, if the test wasnt there god wouldnt know if you coud make it in because you wouldnt steal if oyu had all the money and shit (probably but then its even easer to tell) ok i think i proved my point wiht my excessing gonna go wack off now...toodles 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted September 25, 2001 Recently, God went insane and now thinks he's Bill Gates. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted September 25, 2001 What do you concider Hell? Afganistan under the rule of the Taliban 0 Share this post Link to post
Squill01 Posted September 25, 2001 I think that the hell was made up to scare people so they wouldn't do any thing bad or else they would go to hell and if they were good they would go to heaven. It's like a Fairy-tale. 0 Share this post Link to post
Xenoman Posted September 25, 2001 Recently, God went insane and now thinks he's Bill Gates. And exactly how is that funny? 0 Share this post Link to post
ampman Posted September 28, 2001 kinda offtopic but hey.. I think its funny that people who think they are smarter than others, *have* to believe in somthing we can comprehend...somthing science can explain.. Steven Hawking admits god had somthing to do with this universe(i have his book) and I cant imagine this world coming from NOTHING, and going blindly through time. explain a conscience, explain the evolution of the eye, explain the process of DNA duplication(in cells). If hell is real, do you have anything to loose by believing in god? what if it isnt real?... With all the sciences i've studied, i've come to think I have alot to loose. about hell, the bible says the moment you close your eyes in death, you open them in hell, and you can look up and see heaven. I have heard people talk about hell as being just total fear, and psychological pain. have you ever stubbed your toe? think about that pain FOREVER. flame away, i'm a n00b 8) 0 Share this post Link to post
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